Chapter 2

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"Why does he hate us so much?!" I ask Kate as we sit in the library after class. She shrugged and shook her head as she stared at the blank parchment in front of her. "I dunno. But I don't really hate him, I just hate his class," she says and finally looks up to meet my eyes then look away.

I laughed a little awkwardly and replied, "Yeah, I guess he isn't that bad. But I can't really say anything, he doesn't seem to have anything against Ravenclaw as much as he does Gryffindor." Her eyes widened as she nodded. "Especially poor Hermione," I mutter, shaking my head. "She doesn't deserve half of what happens to her," I add and my friend nods in agreement.

Kate huffs and frowns as she shakes her head again. "What?" I ask, equal parts concerned and amused. She shakes her head again and rolls her eyes. "I just wish he hadn't paired me with Malfoy," she said, sneering his name.

I raise an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Because he's making me do all the work so he can take credit for it! And worse of all, he can't stop bringing up the fact that he's pure-blood and rich."

Kate rolled her eyes and made a weird face, crossing her eyes and everything. "Blah, look at me, I'm Malfoy, I'm a pure-blood, my father bought me this, look how much money I have-- gah! I can't stand the git!"

I smirk in amusement and said, "Me neither. My mum and dad can't either, for that matter." She stared at me in confusion before she remembered my confrontation and fearlessness when it came to Malfoy. "Oh yeah. Sorry I'm trash talking your cousin." I snorted and shook my head. "Don't apologize. He's a total git."


After hours of trying to finish our essays, we gave up until tomorrow afternoon and we went to our respective Common Rooms.

I went up to my dorm that I shared with Mandy Brockelhurst, Lisa Turpin, and Su Li. I found that Mandy was already in there and I smiled a little at my Ravenclaw friend. "Hey Mandy," I greeted her as I flopped down on my bed.

She smiled a little and replied, "Hello Jade." I rolled over and noticed the sadness in her eyes. "What's wrong?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"It's nothing. But thanks for asking," she smiled again, although it still wasn't a genuine smile. "If it makes you feel any better, Snape is out to ruin my life." Mandy gave me a look, but told me to continue. "A six page essay is due by Friday! I don't have that kind of time!"

She giggled quietly and I smirked in victory. "And I lost my best quill," I told her sadly which only made her laugh harder. "What?"

"It's right there," she told me and pointed to the bed. "Oh," I replied dumbly as I seen it sitting right next to me. "Thanks," I tell her with an awkward smile and she simply nodded.

It was the third day of our first week at Hogwarts, for the first years anyway, and I realized I still hadn't written my parents. I guess with all the chaos of the sorting and the classes, I'd forgotten.

I sighed and grabbed a couple pieces of parchment and went down to the common room, calling a friendly goodbye to Mandy.

I sat on one of the royal blue couches near the windows. I felt at home surrounded by the darker hues of blue and a perfect view of the stars out the windows. I sighed and dipped my quill in the ink.

Mum and Dad,

I'm terribly sorry that I forgot to write. I guess amidst all the chaos after the sorting and the new classes that it slipped my mind.

I know you've both been betting each other for years on where I'd end up, and Mum, you were wrong; I'm not Hufflepuff.

Dad, calm down. You're wrong too. I got sorted into Ravenclaw. I love it here, everyone's so nice and I have an absolutely beautiful dorm. The ceiling looks like the galaxy at night and there are so many shades of blue!

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