Chapter 7

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"Jade, c'mon," Lisa says, pulling me up from my bed. I simply groaned in response and pushed her hands away. "Jade," she says sternly, ripping the blankets off.

I jumped up, yelping as the cold air hit my legs. "LISA!" I shouted, grabbing the blankets and pulling them back over my legs. The girl in front of me laughed as if she'd just told the funniest joke in the world. "Well, you wouldn't get up," she stated simply, sitting on the edge of her bed.

"What's the big deal?" I grumbled, patting my hair down as I struggled to wake up. "Well, it's our last morning before classes start again. Figured you'd like to have a calm breakfast before the chaos of classes starts again," she explained with a shrug.

I smiled and removed the blankets again. "Thanks," I replied, going over to my trunk and picking out an outfit and slamming it shut. "I'll be right back," I stated, heading off to the bathroom without a second glance at Lisa. I dressed quickly, still struggling to get into my jeans when I went back into the dorm. Lisa giggled at my struggle, but judging by the look she was giving me, there was something else.

"What is it, Lise?" I asked, bending down to grab my shoes. I was already putting on the second one when she pointed at my shirt. I raised an eyebrow and looked down, noticing it was a Gryffindor Quidditch shirt.

I laughed and set about tying my shoes. "You're not bothered?" Lisa asked, coming to stand next to me. I stared at her for a long while. "Why would I be?" 

Lisa shook her head incredulously. "Well, you're wearing your ex's shirt. And he's a rather vile ex, might I add."

"Oh!" I laughed. "This isn't Novak's shirt," I said simply, standing with her and beginning to walk down the steps to the common room. She shot me a confused look. "Then... whose is it?" I smiled absently, replying, "Fred's." Lisa's eyes widened and I caught the look forming on her face.

"Lisa, don't even go there," I warned, adding, "He's my best friend." She gave me another look. "And may I just remind you, I just got out of an extremely toxic relationship... for the second time," I ducked my head in embarrassment at the last part. She rolled her eyes teasingly but didn't argue.

We found ourselves seated at our table in the Great Hall before we knew it. I looked over at the Gryffindor table out of habit and found an empty spot where the twins usually sat.

Lisa elbowed me roughly and gave me a concerned look. "What?" I asked through a mouthful of food, turning away from the lion's table. "You're staring," she replied, her eyes focusing on something behind me. "And here comes trouble." Lisa rolled her eyes and I turned to look behind me. Draco.

The pale boy stopped in front of me, crossing his arms in a manner that seemed almost... demanding? Who does he think he is?

"What is it Malfoy?" I asked, turning away from my cousin to continue eating. "Come with me," he replied, reaching out to snatch my arm. I yanked my arm out of his grip. "No." I turned angrily back to my food, stabbing my eggs with a fork. Draco grabbed my arm again and I turned, fork raised high in my opposite hand. "I won't hesitate," I warned, holding eye contact until he finally looked unnerved and let go.

He still didn't leave, standing awkwardly behind my shoulder as I tried to finish eating. Lisa and I shared a small and very awkward conversation until I'd finally had enough. "FINE. But you better have a good reason for this," I hissed, standing and following him out of the Hall. I sent a stinging hex to his lower back after I spotted his smug expression. 

"What was that for?" He whined, rubbing his back. "Being a git. What do you want, cousin?" 

Draco rolled his eyes. "Fine. There's someone in my house who wants to meet you." I frowned, reaching up to push up my glasses. "And who is this person?" 

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