Chapter 20

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"What is it?" I asked anxiously, sitting on the edge of the couch. Fred moved and put his hand comfortingly on my back. Andy sighed. 

"Well, your father is fine," she paused, allowing me a moment to sigh in relief. "However, he's in the hospital right now," she added. I frowned, anxiety bubbling in my chest. "Why?" 

Andy shrugged. "I'm sorry love, I wish I knew." She noted the way my previous relief had been replaced with fear. "If it helps, your father was the one who sent the owl. He's awake and doing okay, all things considered." I nodded. "That does help. Thank you Andy."

She smiled. "No problem MJ. You and Fred can go visit him if you'd like." I raised an eyebrow. "What about Kailey and the twins?" Andy waved a hand dismissively. "I've got them. You two go ahead."

I smiled this time. "Thank you so much." One corner of her mouth lifted slightly. "No problem at all. Tell Sirius I said hello."

"We will," Fred promised, leading me out the door. 


I stepped into the room and let out a sigh of relief when I saw Dad sitting up in bed. He smiled when he seen us and put away the paper.

"I was wondering how long it would take before you guys showed up," he teased. I rolled my eyes. "Really Dad? Joking at a time like this?"

He shrugged. "Why not?" I rolled my eyes again and sat in the chair next to his bed. Fred stepped out of the room and returned with an extra chair. He promptly flopped down in it and slumped over.

Dad raised an eyebrow. "Is he okay?" I looked over at him and smiled sadly. "Yeah, he's fine. I think he's just tired from watching out for me."

Fred shook his head slowly. "I'm tired from the whole day. It's nothing you've done." I turned to look back at Dad. He had a smug grin on his face and I rolled my eyes yet again. 

"So, why are you in the hospital?" I asked - partly because I'm dying to know and partly to get him to not embarrass me in front of my boyfriend or say 'I told you so' yet again.

Dad sighed heavily. "I got hit with a few curses," he admitted, rubbing his neck awkwardly. "But it's nothing they couldn't fix. I'm only here overnight for observation." I took a moment to process his words and nodded. "Okay. That's not too bad." 

Dad's eyes widened in shock. "You're... you're okay with that information?" I shrugged. "I guess I kinda have to be." Fred and Dad shared a perplexed look. 

"You're crazy woman," Fred muttered, leaning his head against the wall and closing his eyes. I rolled my eyes and turned back to Dad. "Anyway, Andy said hello." Dad smiled fondly. "I see you finally met her." 

"Yeah... why is it that we've never met her before? She's so cool." Dad shrugged. "It never really came up." I sighed. "Okay. Seventeen years is a long time to go without meeting someone though." Dad sighed. "Do we really have to be upset about that right now? The second wizarding war is raging on right now and this is such an insignificant issue."

I blinked confusedly. "Dad, I was just asking. I wasn't trying to argue."

"... oh," he muttered, avoiding my gaze. I giggled at his antics and shook my head playfully. The relief was short-lived, however. A grim shadow crossed across my father's face and my smile slipped away.

"What's wrong, Dad?" 

He met my eyes with an intensity I'd never seen. "The war has begun."

I shivered violently and turned to look at Fred. He was asleep in his chair, oblivious to the bone chilling words my father had just spoken. I looked back to Dad.

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