Chapter 35

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The week following Christmas was all a blur. I'd spent so much time at Dad's with Julien and Viv that it felt like I hadn't really moved out. The shop's closed until the tenth of January, so I've had plenty of time. Fred comes sometimes, but usually he and George stay behind to make sure everything's ready for when we reopen. Sometimes I join them, but Fred encourages me to spend time with my French friends. Even now, I'm at my dad's house with them.  

Viv had somehow found out that Fred and I are going on a date for New Year's and insisted that she help me get ready. I used to help her get ready for all of her dates with Julien back in France, so she sees it as "returning the favour."

"Vivienne," I groaned, turning in my old desk chair to face her. "What? You used to do this to me all the time," she protested, pointing the curling iron at me. "But my hair is already curly!" I argued, rolling further away from her. She sighed exasperatedly. "It's not going to kill you, Marley."

"It might," I retorted petulantly. Viv rolled her eyes and said, "Don't make me hold you down." I weighed my options and rolled closer to her in defeat. I knew she'd put me in the floor easily, pregnant or not.

"I hate you," I grumbled, scowling at her smug grin in the mirror. "What dress are you wearing?" she asked as she quickly did my hair. She must've used a little magic because that's the fastest anyone has ever curled my hair with a muggle invention. I shrugged. "I have three choices, but I don't know which one to pick."

She glanced over her shoulder at the bed. As I said, there are three dresses. One is a floor length, baby blue dress with a slit that comes up to my knee. It's beautiful, but I don't really know if it's the right one for this date. It's the first date we've had in a long time and I really want to look nice. 

The other is the black dress that I wore the night that George and May got engaged. It's nice, but that's the last actual date we went on.

The third is a dress that I bought in France, but only wore once. It's a deep crimson colour and its sleeves only go halfway down my arm. Viv's eyes lit up as she recognised it. 

"I helped you pick that one out, didn't I?" I nodded and brushed some fuzz off of it. "I think you should wear this one," Viv suggested with a sly grin. I know she meant it as a joke, but I really think this is the one.

"Fred has said he loves this colour on me," I commented, smoothing out the fabric just for something to do. "Really?" Viv asked, her expression softening. I nodded and smiled slightly. "I wore this colour to his brother's wedding and he almost tripped when he saw me wearing it. Then he told me it was his favourite colour on me."

"Don't be silly then! Wear this one!"

I laughed. "I think I will." Viv squealed happily and clapped her hands together. I changed quickly and found some black heels to go with it, as well as a black cardigan. I'd left some stuff behind for Kailey to steal as she gets older, but I'm using it now because it's an emergency.

"Okay, Viv, I'm ready," I announced proudly, staring at myself in the mirror. Not too bad. She tapped her chin as she thought, then grabbed her wand excitedly. "Let me do your nails... I'll be quick, I promise!"

I sat in the chair and watched curiously as she waved her wand over my hands. My nails extended just a little, then turned to match the colour of my dress. White glitter appeared on my ring fingers, and a tiny diamond attached itself to the tops of those same nails. 

"Fancy," I commented, laughing when she rolled her eyes. "Hey, Mar, Fred's here," Julien shouted from downstairs. Viv sighed exasperatedly. "That's your husband," I reminded her. She glared at me and mumbled something under her breath. "What was that?" I asked as she rushed me towards the stairs. "I said don't remind me," she grumbled, rolling her eyes slightly. I laughed and shook my head as we stepped into the hallway.

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