Chapter 33

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I watched as the sun rose slowly behind the blinds. I'd felt myself start to fall asleep multiple times, but I fought it. I can't deal with another nightmare like that. I can tell by the location of the sun that it's around eight in the morning. It's Ron and Ginny's day to run the store today, though, so Fred and I don't have to worry much about it.

I yawned and stretched a little. I'd better get up and get going before I fall asleep again. I pulled the blankets off of me and went to get out of bed. However, Fred had put his arm over my waist again. He tightened his arm as I tried to move, and I just knew I wasn't getting out of bed unless I woke him up - and he's very irritable when that happens.

I sighed and pulled the blankets over me again. I looked over my shoulder at him and smiled softly. He'd turned around so he was facing me, only I had my back to him. He snuggled up close once I got comfortable again. My eyelids started to droop and my head grew heavy against the pillow. I held my eyes wide open, resisting the urge to even blink. I've got to stay awake.

Although, Fred is very warm. Plus, I tend to sleep better when it's daytime and I'm cuddled up to him. Maybe he's what keeps the nightmares away every time we nap together and the last time I stayed here. My eyes grew too heavy to keep open, so I gave in. All I can do is hope that I don't have another nightmare.


I jolted awake when Fred moved behind me. I looked at him over my shoulder, raising an eyebrow at the grimace on his face. "Sorry," he muttered. "I didn't mean to wake you." I shrugged and rolled over on my back.

"I probably need to be up anyway. What time is it?" Fred looked at the clock on the desk and turned back to me as he replied, "A little past nine." I groaned and covered my face with my hands. "What's the matter?" he asked, sounding slightly amused.

"My dad probably thinks I've left for good," I replied, moving my hands and looking at him. "Do you still want to talk, or do you want to go home first?"

"Talk first," I answered quickly. Fred laughed and said, "Okay then. Before or after breakfast?" I sat up and threw the blankets to the side. "After." I narrowed my eyes and looked him up and down. "But I don't know if I trust your cooking."

"Oh come on!" he cried defensively, throwing his arms up in mock offense. I laughed and reached for my glasses. "Sorry, but I've never had your cooking. How am I to know it won't kill me?"

Fred rolled his eyes. "Maybe because George and I aren't dead yet?" I gave him a doubtful look and he sighed. "Let me cook for you, just this once." He saw that I wasn't budging and sighed. "George and I grew up watching Mum cook all the time. Trust me, we know how to cook. C'mon." He patted my arm quickly and exited the room. I smiled slightly and followed after him. "Fred!" I shouted, suddenly realising I had no clothes to wear home. "What?!" he replied loudly. "I need to borrow some more clothes again!" I yelled as I entered the kitchen.

He stepped out from behind the refrigerator, which was right next to me. An impish grin spread across his face as he shut the door. "No need to shout love, I'm right here." I reached out to smack his arm but he was too fast. He laughed and continued gathering supplies to cook. "Besides, you know you can borrow my clothes anytime." He nodded down the hall and said, "You can run up and grab some now if you want."

"Okay," I replied. "I'll be right back." I turned to go back to his room, but he suddenly added, "Don't look in the top drawer!" I looked back at him questioningly. A strange mix of panic and stress was on his face. I frowned. "Why not?"

"Just... don't," he hedged, looking away from my stare. "Please," he added quickly. My frown deepened and I pursed my lips, but didn't say anything. He's hiding something but I don't know what.

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