Chapter 48

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July 1, 2004

I woke up to the feeling of a hand on my hip and the sound of Fred's snoring. Without opening my eyes, I smiled and rolled over so I was facing him. I cracked an eye open to make sure I didn't wake him and, once I was satisfied he's still sleeping, I settled in again. However, it was mere moments later that he started rubbing my side.

Again, I slightly opened one eye to look at him. I found him looking back at me wide awake. "I didn't mean to wake you," I mumbled sleepily. He frowned slightly. "You didn't. I woke you by mistake."

It slowly dawned on me that our room is considerably brighter than before. He had also been up long enough to put his shirt on and fully wake up. "What time is it?"

He turned to look over his shoulder at the clock. "About to be twelve." I sat up straight in the bed and immediately squeezed my eyes shut. "Oooh, that was a bad idea," I grumbled, putting my head in my hands. Fred rubbed my back soothingly but didn't say a word. "Ugh... anyway..." I removed my hands and glared at my husband, who was fully dressed in his work clothes. 

"You didn't wake me for work." 

Fred simply shrugged. "You know I want to work for as long as I can before I have this baby," I reminded him. Again, he shrugged. I sighed heavily. As he realised that I'm actually a little irritated, he slumped in defeat. "Look, I know that. And I understand, really," he grabbed my hand and ran his thumb over the back of it. "But I want to make sure you're not overdoing it and that you don't get too stressed out."

I gave him a tight smile and squeezed his hand. "I know honey, and I'm thankful. But you've gotta let me do what I can while I can. Because in a few months, I'm going to be home all the time with our baby."

A smile flickered across his face. "Yeah, okay. I'm sorry love." I leaned forward to press a quick kiss to his cheek before hugging him. My chin rested on his shoulder and my heart fluttered as he leaned his head against mine. "However," he said, breaking the silence after a few moments. "We should probably tell my family today."

I sighed and pulled away from him. "I know. Little one's already starting to show a little." We both looked down at my slightly larger stomach. I still look bloated, but it's starting to get a little suspicious. Especially with the way we've avoided the last two family events Molly has tried to plan. We weren't the only ones - Charlie, Percy, and Ginny avoided them as well - but still. "I'm terrified of Mum's reaction," Fred admitted. He chewed his lip nervously and averted his eyes.

"I know Freddie. It's going to be okay, I promise." I put my hand on his thigh and squeezed lightly. He looked over at me doubtfully. "If she says anything, we don't have to interact as much anymore," I offered. Fred's expression darkened. "If she's anything but polite she won't have anything to do with this child." The seriousness in his tone surprised me. I always knew he would be protective, but it's a side of him I haven't seen much before. "I won't allow her to hurt them the way she hurt me and my siblings growing up."

I nodded solemnly but didn't say anything. There's really nothing I could say to add on or possibly make things better.

"I wish your mother was here," he blurted suddenly. I looked up and caught his eye. Regret and horror washed across his face as he realised what he said. Before he could start apologising I cut him off.

"I do too. She would've been the first person I told after you." My voice sounded so... wistful, even to my own ears. "And she would've been over the moon excited. She loved kids and I know she would've wanted grandkids." I looked up in time to catch the confused look on Fred's face. "What is it?" I asked humourously. 

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