Chapter 31

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I turned at the sound of my name. I spotted Tonks rushing across the store to my register.

"Hey Dora..." I trailed off as I noticed the panicked look on her face. "What's wrong?"

"It's Remi..." she gasped, leaning against the counter for support. My heart began to race as I leaned toward her to hear better. "What's wrong?" I repeated anxiously. Tonks was still gasping for breath, but I was impatient. "Tonks!"

She held up a finger for me to hang on a second. "She..." she gasped again, taking a deep breath. "Remi and James were playing... and they went running down the stairs and..." she took another deep breath. She must've run the whole way here. "Your dad said she fell down the stairs and hit her head pretty hard." She shook her head slowly. "She was unconscious, so he rushed her to the hospital. He owled me to come find you."

I frowned and grew more anxious as the silence between us stretched on. The crowd around us ceased to exist - the only thing was my sister is hurt. 

"Who's with them now?" I asked, pulling my apron over my head. "Your Dad's with her at the hospital and Molly is at the house with James." I nodded and put my apron away. I gathered my things and rejoined my cousin. "Okay, well... let's go then." She raised an eyebrow. "Aren't you supposed to tell them you're leaving?"

"Shoot," I muttered, rushing upstairs to the storage room. "Boys!" I shouted as I approached the curtain. George stuck his head out as I entered. "What's up?" he asked casually, sobering up instantly. The bad news must've been written on my face.

I stepped into the room with Ron and George. "I need to go home," I said as I shifted my weight nervously. "Remi's hurt and I don't know how bad it is." 

"Go!" George cried. "Don't just stand here, go check on her." 

"I don't want to leave you guys short staffed -"

"I'm technically your boss for the moment," George pointed out. "And I'm telling you to go. Be with your family, check on your sister. We'll be okay. One of us can run the register, or we can get Fred to."

I nodded and hugged him quickly. "Thank you, George. I'll be back as soon as I can." He pulled back and shook his head. "No, you won't," he said sternly. "You'll come back another day, but you won't be back today unless you're here to update us."

I sighed and decided not to waste my time arguing with him. "Thank you, again. I'll see you guys later." I rushed out of the room, shouting, "Love you!" over my shoulder.

Tonks was leaning against the wall by the door as she waited. When she saw me, she straightened up and we left.

Moments later we were in St. Mungo's. She lead me down hallway after hallway until we found the waiting area. To my surprise, Kate was sitting outside, as well as Ginny and Harry.

"What're you guys doing here?" I asked, grinning despite the situation. I hadn't seen them in so long - especially Kate. She'd changed a lot, but it was in a good way. She'd gotten taller, cut her hair shorter, and had gotten glasses. She looked gorgeous (like always).

"We're here to support you and your family - duh," Kate replied smartly, smirking when I rolled my eyes. "Well, I appreciate it." I plopped down in the chair across from Kate. Tonks sat next to me and sighed. 

"Have they given any updates?" Tonks asked, leaning forward in her seat. "Not since we've been here," Ginny replied, glancing worriedly at the room next to us. "Can I go in there?" I asked. Ginny shrugged. "I dunno. Probably."

"Then excuse me for a moment," I replied, pushing myself up out of the seat. I opened the door slowly, peeking in before I entered. My shoulders drooped at the sight before me. Remi looked so small in comparison to the bed and all the machines. I fully entered the room and shut the door behind me. It's quite dark in here, but that's probably because she has a head injury.

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