Chapter 44

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I smoothed down my dress with shaking hands, frowning at the way it strained near my hips. I swear we just did the final fittings for our dresses last week. There's no way I've put on that much since then.

"You okay?" Ginny asked as she approached, her dress just slightly different from mine. The dusty rose colour complimented her complexion, as well as her fiery hair.  "Yeah, I'm fine," I replied with a shake of my head. Maybe I'm just imagining things. "My dress is a little tight," Ginny complained, pinching the fabric near her ribs. "Must've been all those sweets last weekend." I laughed and felt my mood lift knowing that it wasn't just my dress. Maybe the alterations are faulty.

"I doubt that," I said absently, reaching for one final pin for my hair. Reaching for the back of my head, I realised I wouldn't be able to get it exactly where I need it. Without me asking, Ginny held out her hand in offering. I gratefully passed the pin to her and I felt it slide into its correct place. "Thanks."

"No worries." She smiled and squeezed my shoulder before disappearing from the room again. Once again left alone with my thoughts and my reflection, I began to overanalyze again. My face looks a little fuller than usual. I've never cared much before, but my chest looks a little bigger than usual as well (though I fill the dress rather nicely in that area). And not to mention my stomach looking a little bloated. However, we did just eat breakfast so that's probably why I'm bloated. As for the others... well... I guess I may have put on a bit of weight. But Fred's an amazing cook and I've been quite underweight for years.

With a shrug, I turned from scrutinizing size to admiring everything else. My hair is long enough that it stops just near my elbows, still black and curly as ever. My eyes are now fully like Dad's, hazel but more with more green than brown. I still have Mum's nose and face shape, especially noticeable now that I'm an adult. I smiled slightly at the memory of her and my heart panged as it made me slightly resemble her. I'll always be my father's twin though.

Remi's squeal down the hall of the venue alerted me to company so I put on the best smile I could muster up. She barreled into the room with Kailey trailing reluctantly behind her. "MJ!" Remi shouted, flinging herself into my arms with ease. "Hey Rem!" I laughed as I caught her and spun around a couple times.

Kailey smiled when I turned to her. She's the spitting image of our mother, from her blonde-ish hair right down to the way she carries herself. "I'm glad you managed to make it home for this," I said as I set Remi on her feet. I grabbed my oldest little sister in a hug, smiling when she hugged me back tight. "Me too." Her reply was muffled by my hair but I don't care. It's so good to hear her voice after so long. I pulled away so I could get a good look at her. It's so weird to see how much she's changed since Easter.

She's taller, her features are more defined, and if it's possible I think she's even more beautiful than before. "I missed you so much Kay-Bug," I mumbled sadly. "Me too, Jae-Jae," she replied wistfully. I smiled and cupped her face with my hands. "Stop growing up so fast. You're supposed to be my little sister, but you're almost as tall as me."

Kailey giggled and pushed my hands away. "I can't help it!" She shrieked with laughter as I poked her in the ribs. "I know, I know. It just makes me sad is all." She rolled her eyes at the sentimentality, but I'm sure she'll understand once she experiences it with the twins. Though it probably won't be so drastic as they'll be at Hogwarts together.

The door to our suite slammed shut, followed by: "MARLEY!"

Kailey, Remi, and I shared a confused glance. "Why is Fred up here?" I shrugged and went to the door, sticking my head out slightly. "In here!" 

He appeared from the other room, a relieved grin breaking across his face as he spotted me. "Hey," he said calmly as he drew nearer. "Hey?" I repeated in a more questioning tone. 

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