Chapter 8

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Valentine's Day had appeared out of nowhere. Many of my friends had offered to go to Hogsmeade with me, but my heart just wasn't in it. Instead, I went down to the deserted common room with paper, ink, and a book in my hands. I sat at one of the tables near the window and stared down at the people going off to Hogsmeade.

I easily spotted a head of red hair, and though I reminded myself there were four other Weasleys at this school, I felt a slight pang of jealousy. But I really had no reason to be jealous. Fred literally hung out with me all the time. When he wasn't with George or Lee, he was with me. And besides, I reasoned with myself. You don't even know if it's him - it's literally impossible to know which Weasley it is from this height

Shaking these thoughts away, I set to writing a letter home - this letter is long overdue and  highly anticipated by my poor parents.

I know it's been a while, but there's a lot going on here. I finally ended things with Jake. Not going into detail - just know that it happened and it's for the best. Harry's begun speaking to me again, although it's mostly small talk... better than nothing I guess. The twins say hello, as well as Ginny and Kate. Hope all's well there. Tell Kailey I love her.

I sighed heavily and after reading my pathetic letter five times over, I decided it was the best it was going to be. My poor dormmates know exactly how many of these letters I've written and thrown away. I put it into an envelope and put their names on it. I took my book back upstairs, deciding just to go to the owlery and then go wander around.


I let out a surprised gasp when I saw someone else in the owlery. The person turned as well with a sheepish smile. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you," the boy apologised, adding, "Are you okay?"

I nodded. "Yeah, sorry. Just wasn't expecting anyone else up here." The boy nodded. "I just came up here to send a letter to my sister," he told me, though I really wasn't sure why. "Cool," I replied awkwardly. The boy sensed the tension beginning to form and shot me a bright smile.

"My name's Chandler," he said, grinning easily. "Well, nice to meet you, Chandler. I'm Jade." I turned and called Minnie from her perch and gave her the letter. "You know where this goes," I murmured, running my hand over the top of her head before she took off. When I turned, Chandler was still there.

"How come I haven't seen you around?" I asked him, leaning against the cleanest wall. He shrugged and continued to stand in the middle of the room. "I'm a transfer - I got here at the beginning of the year." I nodded. "So, which House are you in?" I asked curiously, trying to ignore the way his face fell.

"I'm in Ravenclaw," he muttered. I grimaced and smiled sheepishly. "Sorry. Clearly, I'm not very observant." Chandler laughed. "It's fine. Like I said, I'm new. I've only seen you in passing and haven't talked to you before now, so you really shouldn't know me." I rolled my eyes. "Well, welcome to Hogwarts."

Chandler grinned. "Thanks. What year are you?" He seemed almost hesitant to ask the simple question. "Fourth, you?"

"Fifth, actually," he replied, seeming surprised. "What?" I asked, a bit unsure of how to take his surprise. "Nothing, I just thought you were a fifth year too." I shook my head. "Nah. Not yet anyway."

"Got any plans for today, Jade?" Chandler asked, meeting my eyes after looking around the room. "Not really. Just to send that letter and go from there."

"Wanna head down to Hogsmeade?" 

I frowned. "We missed the carriages," I pointed out and felt a sense of dread when he smirked. "So? I know a few shortcuts already." I rolled my eyes. "Of course you do. But I think I know some better ones."

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