Chapter 13

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I missed the first week of my fifth year at Hogwarts because the twins finally came. On September 8, 1995 we welcomed Remi Zeta and James Corvus Black. There were many arguments over the middle names, mainly from Dad. Mum wanted to continue the Black tradition of astrological names and Dad did not. So while he may have won that argument with mine and Kailey's names, he didn't with the twins'. 

I spoiled the twins while I could. Dumbledore told me I had to be back by the twelfth of September. And that day came way too fast. 

On that chilly September morning, Dad helped me make sure I had everything I needed. Mum entered my room with Kailey in her arms. She gave me a warm smile and sat in my desk chair. 

"You ready to go, MJ?" She asked, nodding her head at my bags. I shrugged. "Not really... I don't want to leave you guys." Both of them smiled and Dad slung an arm around my shoulders. "We don't want you to leave either. We've gotten pretty used to having you here."

He sighed and looked down at me. Now that I was up to his shoulder, it wasn't that hard to do.  "But you've gotta go back. It's OWL year. Plus, quite a few people would be missing you if you stayed," he said gently. Suddenly he smirked and pulled me closer. "Though there's a certain someone who would miss you terribly."

I pushed away from him and he burst out laughing. Mum was looking between the two of us with a raised brow. "What's he talking about, MJ?" 

"Nothing!" I answered quickly. Dad smirked mischievously and said, "I'll tell you after she leaves." 

"Sirius," Mum said, whining slightly. "Tell me now!" Dad shook his head. "Nope. Sorry Jena. We have to wait until she leaves." Mum looked to me pleadingly and I shook my head. "Don't listen to him. He doesn't know what he's talking about."

"Oh really now?" Dad asked, turning on me. "Yeah. He's just my friend, Dad."

Mum laughed. "Oh where have I heard that one before..." she looked up at Dad. He smirked and said to me, "Your mother told your grandfather the same thing about me."

I could tell I paled a little but shook it off. "Well, I mean it," I muttered, pushing past him to get my trunk. Mum said something else as she stood up, but I was too far ahead of them to hear her. I went into the twins' room and found them sound asleep in their cribs. 

I went over to Remi's crib and reached in and gently tucked the blanket tighter. "I'll see you later, okay? Don't get too big on me," I murmured, smiling when she twitched in her sleep. Moving over to James, I smiled down at him. He was sleeping very peacefully and so far, he was a light sleeper so I didn't touch him.

"That goes for you too, Jamesie boy," I muttered, catching Dad's smile flicker sadly at the nickname. 

I turned back to my parents and held my arms out for Kailey. "And you," I said, poking her in the stomach. She giggled and tried to push my hand away. "Be good for mummy and daddy okay?" 

"Where you goin' Jae Jae?" She asked, staring sadly at me with her big brown eyes. I smiled at her and said, "I'm going to school. But I'll be back for Christmas." Kailey frowned and crossed her arms, pouting adorably. "Dat's too long," she grumbled. I laughed. "I agree Kaybug. But it'll be here before we know it. And we'll have fun like we always do."

"Promise?" She asked, uncrossing her arms and holding out her pinkie. "I pinkie promise," I told her, linking my pinkie with hers. Satisfied with this, she gave me a tight hug and went back to Mum. 

"Bye Mum, I'll see you at Christmas," I said, giving her a side hug and turning to link my arm with Dad's. "I shouldn't be long, Jena," he told her, smiling softly. "Okay," she replied, smiling too. 

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