Chapter 22

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TW: this chapter is very dark and mentions/implies severe depression and suicidal thoughts. It's a good ways into the chapter, but I wanted to put a warning in the beginning. If it's going to trigger you, please don't read it. And as always, my DM's are open if you need to talk.


"I called this meeting because of recent events involving Kate Weekes and Draco Malfoy," Dad stated grimly, meeting everyone's eyes carefully. Fred grabbed my hand under the table and squeezed tightly. "This meeting will also cover the loss of Chandler and Alex, who were very dear friends to my daughter and her friends," Dad added solemnly, looking down at the table and sighing. "And lastly, it will cover the disappearance of Lisa Turpin."

Fred and I shared a look and he squeezed my hand tighter. "Now, first things first," Dad stated, walking toward the head of the table. "Kate is fine. Her parents owled me first thing this morning and said she was out of the hospital wing and is being closely monitored by Professor McGonagall.

"Though she is not Kate's Head of House, she is the one they trusted the most, along with Professor Sprout." He paused, hesitating slightly as he met my eyes. He sighed and looked away again. "She was severely hurt before that, though. When they found her, she was in the Malfoy's basement. She was bruised, beaten, and cut up." I flinched away as though his words had cut me. Fred quickly put his arm around my shoulders and held me tightly. 

"Draco Malfoy was also found in the basement. Of his own house, might I add." Dad pursed his lips in annoyance. "He was hurt and beaten as well, but it was way worse than Kate. We suspect he took most of the beatings to spare her." I squeezed my eyes shut and internally thanked him. If I ever saw him again I'd have to tell him I owe him one.

Dad paused for a moment to let that information sink in. There are only ten of us - Dad, myself, Fred, George, Arthur, Bill, Fleur, Alex and Chandler's parents, and Uncle Remus. Tonks is off on a mission and Molly is upstairs with Kailey and the twins. 

With a sigh, Dad started talking again. "The loss of Chandler and Alex were both great tragedies. Each of them died bravely and they will be terribly missed." He looked at their parents who were sniffling uncontrollably and had tears streaming down their faces. "Thank you for your boys. They were great friends to my daughter. Their sacrifice will never be forgotten."

They nodded and sniffled loudly. "Thank you, Sirius," their mother whispered shakily. "It means a lot." Dad nodded gravely and continued on. "Now, Lisa Turpin. She went missing yesterday evening after dinner. Her mother suspects the Snatchers got her when she was outside doing chores."

Dad sighed heavily and moved back to where he was standing before the meeting started. "Guys, now is not the time to stop paying attention." He looked up and made eye contact with all of us.

"If you have outside chores, don't send your children to do them. If they're not important, don't do them. If it is of utmost importance that they are done, then cast protective wards and go do them. But don't stay outside for longer than twenty minutes at a time. That is the maximum."

Everyone nodded in unison. "There are no missions at this time. But if any of you happen to find Lisa, then please owl me. If there are any updates on Kate or Draco they will be announced at the next meeting. If Lisa is found, there will be a meeting ASAP to figure out when we will go rescue her." He looked around at all of us again. "Meeting adjourned."

Our kitchen filled with the sound of chairs scraping and defeated conversations. I stared blankly at the table, studying the patterns in the wood. My mind began to wander, as it always does, and I thought of my mother. Her and my father never thought this would be the life my siblings and I would have.

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