Chapter 21

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School started back on the first just like it always does. Except this time, I wasn't going back. Neither was Ron, Harry, or Hermione. Or Kate, for as far as I knew she still hadn't been found.

Since I'd gotten that letter a month ago, I'd mostly stayed in my room. Dad knew about the letter but he had no idea how to help. Fred had to go back to the Burrow a few days ago. I have to stay stuck in the house all the time now just in case anyone from the Ministry comes looking.

The chances of that are way lower since Dad re-did the charms that his mother used to have on the house before. No one except the ones with the "password" can see the house, let alone get in. 

Someone, most likely Dad because no one can visit much anymore, knocked on the door. I turned in my chair so I was facing the door. "Come in," I called sullenly. The door opened slowly to reveal Tonks. I sat up in my seat and blinked in shock.

"What're you doing here?!" I cried as I shot out of my chair and flung myself into her arms. She laughed and ruffled my hair a little. "Your dad told me you've been having a hard time lately so I'm here to help."

I pulled away and looked up at her. "Really?" She nodded, smiling brightly. "C'mon, let's go downstairs. I'm sure we can find something to do."

I felt myself smile a little as I followed her downstairs. She looked over her shoulder at me with a sly grin and said, "So what's up with that Fred boy?'

I rolled my eyes and quickened my pace so I fell into step beside her. "Wellllll..." I trailed off, smirking at her when she shot a glare in my direction.

"He asked me out back in July," I blurted out. She stopped walking and her eyes widened. "No way!!! What day did he ask?"

I paused to think it through. It was sometime between the end of the school year and Bill and Fleur's wedding. Then it hit me. It was the day of Dumbledore's funeral, because I hadn't wanted to hurt Chandler any more than he already was.

"July third," I told her, adding, "I'd come straight here from Dumbledore's funeral and me and Chandler had a talk. Then Fred and I were hanging out in the twins' room and he asked me out." Tonks squealed happily and clapped her hands together. "You're very lucky, MJ," she stated. Though she had a smile on her face, her tone was very melancholy. 

"What's wrong?" I reached out to touch her arm but she turned away slightly. "It's nothing, MJ," she said, still trying to keep the smile on her face. It wasn't working too well. "Come with me," I told her, grabbing her arm and pulling her along behind me.

"Where are we going?" she asked in a mildly flustered tone. "To a place where we can properly talk. There's a lot that's going on right now and I think we both need to talk in private."

We passed my room and went all the way to the end of the hallway. "Not many people know this room is here," I told her, adding, "Mum, Dad, and I set it up a few years ago. It was a place for me to hang out with friends or to just have time to myself."

"What room, MJ?" Tonks asked confusedly, still staring at what appeared to be the end of the hallway. There was a small section cut into the wall that concealed the door handle. Only my parents and I knew where it was. I turned the handle and gestured for her to go in. The room was spacious and it had blue walls with yellow and white "sparkles" (paint splatter).

There was a couch in the corner with a blanket draped over the back of it, a desk, a coffee table, two or three bookshelves, a fireplace, and another couch in front of the fireplace.

"Wow," Tonks breathed, turning in a circle as she took it all in. "Yeah," I replied, feeling a sense of pride that this was mine. I'd helped pay for the furniture and paint and everything we needed for the room. 

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