Chapter 4

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**So, me being me, I forgot that first years didn't go to Hogsmeade. In an attempt to fix that mistake, the plot is probably screwy or confusing. I apologize in advance.**

I woke up that Saturday bright and early. The trip to Hogsmeade loomed in my mind, a giddiness taking over as I began to get dressed.

"What are you doing, Jade?" 

I turned just as I was pulling the long and frizzy mess I call hair into a ponytail. I came face to face with Lisa who had an eyebrow raised in question. "Um... getting ready?" I reply, confused when Lisa simply shook her head. "No, you're not. You're not leaving the castle dressed like that," she says with a wink and leads me over to her bed.

I frown at the jab to my clothing choice, which was just a t-shirt and jeans, and sat. I figured I'd listen to the one who looked absolutely perfect -- straight out of bed.

I looked around the dorm and found that our dormmates were already gone. "When did everyone else leave?" I ask as she picks out a black tank top and a black and blue checkered flannel to go over it. "Around seven. But the carriages won't leave until eight," she replies easily and throws a pair of black skinny jeans with rips in them.

"What time is it now?" I ask as I take the clothes and nod in approval. "Seven fifteen. Trust me girl, we've got time," she tells me, winking. "Now, go in the bathroom and change -- that way you can pick out the makeup and the straightener or curling iron you wanna use."

I nod and as I'm closing the door, I can see that she's picking out her own clothes. As I put on my own clothes, I pick the curling iron as my curls are never neat. They're just a frizzy mess. I fix my glasses on my face and button the flannel. I no longer look like a potato of an eleven year old -- I look like a slightly older version of myself. Just less potato like.

I step out and announce that I've chosen to curl my hair and immediately stop when I see what Lisa picked out. "Woah," I whisper, awestruck. 

She was wearing a grey sweater and navy blue skirt with black leggings underneath it. "Bad?" She asks, raising her eyebrows as she twirled. "No, amazing!" I squeal, which is pretty unlike me. Lisa grins and her face lights up. I can see the hint of a blush on her dark cheeks, but she laughed it off. "You don't look so bad yourself."

I shrug and go put on my black Converse high tops. "And just what are you doing?" Lisa questions again, teasing. I give her a pointed look and reply, "Wearing my favourite shoes to match an awesome outfit." She thought for a second and left it, going to check that the curling iron was hot enough.

She had me sit on a stool in the bathroom and waved her wand at the iron so it would do perfect curls on its own. She brings on the makeup, which I had no intention of wearing.

"Lisa, no," I begin, but she shushes me. "Trust me, I know. I'm just gonna do it lightly. Raven's honour." She raised her right hand and promised. I shrug and let her, closing my eyes for eyeliner and eyeshadow and doing what she tells me for lips. I highly doubt this is "light makeup" but I'm just gonna go with it.

I heard the zippers of her makeup bag and knew that she was done. I opened my eyes and seen that the iron was done too. 

I looked in the mirror in front of me and my jaw almost dropped. My hair fell just so it was where my ribcage began -- only half it's length -- and she'd done a thin line of eyeliner and eyeshadow that matched my skin. "Where did you even find this in my skin colour?" I ask, appalled at how good I actually looked.

With a smirk, she replies, "A magician never reveals their tricks." I shoot her a dirty look and she giggles a bit. "Anyway, you look great. Now, go find your boy."

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