Chapter 29

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Later in the afternoon, Fred had to leave to go change clothes and check in on the joke shop. As he left, he said, "Stop by the shop later on." He thought for a moment and added, "And if you want to, you can come to the Burrow for dinner. George and I are going over tonight and you're welcome to join us."

"Do I need to come to the shop or your flat?" I asked as we stepped outside of the house. "Either one," he replied, adding thoughtfully, "You could just come with me now." I looked up at him questioningly. "Seriously?" He nodded. "Yeah, that's fine."

"You aren't sick of me yet?" I teased, laughing at his expression. He looked dumbfounded, absolutely lost for words. "Marley, I could never be sick of you. Not even before I thought I lost you, much less now." I grabbed his hand and said, "Freddie, it was a joke." He shrugged. "I know, it just... I dunno."

"I know how it is," I replied quietly. He stared down at our hands and smiled slightly. "So, are you going to come now or later?"

"I guess I'll go now. Just let me go get a change of clothes to wear to your Mum's." I turned and went back into the house, barely aware of Fred following me back inside. "DAD!" I shouted as I rushed upstairs. I knew he'd probably be in the twins' room, so that's where I went.

"What?" he asked from behind me. I whirled around and struggled to catch my balance. "I'm going to go over to the joke shop and then to the Burrow for dinner. Is that okay?"

Dad blinked as he took in that information. "Uh, yeah... that's fine," he replied slowly. He looked almost concerned, probably for my sanity, and I worried that he would change his mind. "Just be careful, okay?" I nodded. "Okay. Thank you!" I hugged him quickly and hurried down the hall to my room.

I went straight to my closet and tried to think of what I wanted to wear tonight. This time, I was actually going to dress a little nicer. I want to look nice because I think this might be a "kinda date." My eyes fell onto a grey knitted sweater that Viv got me for Christmas last year, so I grabbed it. I found a pair of black pants to match it and I decided just to wear the shoes I already had on with it. I shoved the outfit into a small drawstring bag and joined Fred and Dad in the hallway.

Fred gave me a concerned look when he saw the bag in my hand. "It's just my parents house," he murmured, glancing at Dad quickly. Dad also glanced at Fred and shook his head slightly. "Just be careful, darling." I nodded and turned to head downstairs again, but Dad stopped me. "Viv sent you a letter by the way. It's on the kitchen table." I nodded again and actually left this time, shouting an "I love you!" over my shoulder.

I hurried into the kitchen and found the letter. I grabbed it and allowed Fred to lead me out of the house and to the Apparition point. We were running and laughing together, just like when we were younger. He linked his arm with mine and Apparated us away to his flat.

I blinked as my vision straightened out and was stunned by how different the place was. I didn't expect it to change this much, even though it's been nearly eight years since the last time I was here. "Wow," I muttered, letting my arm fall away from his as I turned in a slow circle.

Fred chuckled lightly and watched me take it all in. "What is it?" he asked smugly, smirking when I turned to look back at him. "It's so different than before," I replied, still studying each decoration or design. "I like it though," I added, not wanting him to think I thought badly of his home.

"Well, good," he replied, joining me in the middle of the room. "I'm glad you do." He paused then asked, "Do you want a tour?"

"Please," I replied, holding up my bag. "I need somewhere to put this if we're going to be in the joke shop for a while." He nodded and motioned for me to follow him. "This is the kitchen," he said, pausing briefly to let me see the way it was set up. There was a table in the middle of the room with two chairs, an oven in the right corner, and the refrigerator in the other corner.

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