Chapter 34

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By the time Christmas came around, most of my things had been moved to the flat. George and May bought a house and began moving their things into it. Things are really falling into place. Except for our Christmas plans. Mine and Fred's families are doing Christmas together, but we just can't get our crap together today. It's only adding to the chaos because today is, in fact, Christmas Day.

"FRED!" I shouted down the hall. "WHAT?!" he shouted back, sounding extremely annoyed. "ARE YOU ALMOST READY?!"


His footsteps thudded down the hall. I had to get ready at the flat with him because all of my nice clothes are already here.

Fred poked his head in the door. "You ready?" he asked, looking me up and down. He smiled slightly. "Yeah, I'm ready," I replied, standing and joining him in three quick strides. "Let's go then," he murmured, linking his arm with mine. We Apparated right into my kitchen and James ran into my back.

"Ouch," he grumbled, rubbing his nose as he steadied himself. "Sorry darling," I said, tilting his head up to get a good look at him. "I think you're fine," I stated, ruffling his hair affectionately. He grunted in response and stalked into the living room, fixing his hair as he went.

"MJ!" Kailey shouted, barreling towards me at full speed. "Hey KayBug," I replied, nearly toppling over as she threw herself into my arms. "I'm so excited!" she squealed. "Why?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Because!" she cried as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "I get to meet so many famous people today and I'm just so excited!"

"Technically, you knew them before they were even famous. Well, maybe not Harry. But he wasn't as famous then as he is now," I reminded her. She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, but I was also like four, so it doesn't count." I shrugged. "Fair."

Fred chuckled and excused himself from the pair of us. "I can't believe you've practically moved in with him already," Kailey mumbled. "Is that too much too fast?" I asked, pulling her aside for a moment. She shook her head. "I know you have to move out eventually, it's just... it doesn't seem real."

I smiled wryly. "Yeah, I know what you mean. It doesn't seem real that this is my last Christmas living here. But all of my things are at Fred's so... I dunno." Kailey sighed sadly. "I'm gonna miss having you home all the time." 

"Yeah, me too. But I'll still be here all the time, plus Dad said you could come stay with us anytime you wanted during the summer." I patted her shoulder gently. "Cheer up, kid. It won't be that bad," I said soothingly. "Dad really said that?" she asked, eyeing me doubtfully.

I nodded. "Yeah. How did you think you were going to get Quidditch lessons?" I winked and grinned as her face lit up. "You're the best, MJ."

"I try," I replied, shrugging as I started to rejoin the crowd in the kitchen. "May! I shouted, throwing my arms around the girl as I joined her. "Hey MJ!" she cried, hugging back tightly. "I feel like I haven't seen you in forever!" I said, pulling back and taking in her outfit. "You look really nice," I added. She grinned. "Thank you, so do you." She leaned in close and murmured, "I hear you and Fred are moving in together?" 

I nodded, smiling as well. "Congratulations," she said, leaning back to where she'd been before. "It won't be long until you guys get married," she commented idly. I froze. "What?" 

"Just a theory, I don't know that for a fact," she said absently, looking at something behind me. "Oh- hey love," I said, leaning into Fred when he put his arms around my shoulders. "Whatcha talking about?" 

May shook her head. "Nothing much." Her eyes lit up excitedly. "Hey, would you be interested in being my maid of honour for my wedding?" 

"Wait, what?" I asked, completely thrown off by her question. She giggled, then repeated herself. "Uh... yeah, I guess," I replied, an elated grin spreading across my face. "Thank you," she replied earnestly, letting out a sigh of relief. "You're the closest thing I have to a sister, and I've asked Ginny to be the other one. I know it's not normal to have two maid of honours, but... it's a magic wedding, there's nothing normal here," she rambled anxiously. "Plus, I don't have any actual siblings and it's just me and my parents - "

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