Chapter 36

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Fred and I split up the cooking. Well, he really did all of the cooking. He prepared the meats while I made toast and fruit bowls. I also made coffee and tea because I know Viv can't have coffee right now, and the kids won't drink coffee.

I turned around to grab a couple of spoons from the drawer and nearly ran into Fred, nearly causing him to fall. "Oops, sorry love." I giggled and reached out to steady him. He sighed dramatically, leaning against the counter. "All these years and I'm still falling for you." I groaned and said, "That was awful, Fred." I reached into the drawer and selected two spoons that would be the right size for the fruit bowls and tried to get past him. He reached out and caught me by the waist before I could get too far.

I squealed slightly as he pulled me into him. "What're you doing?" I asked, swatting at his hands. "I'm hugging you, you crazy woman." I stopped fighting him and glared at him over my shoulder. "Well, honey, I'm trying to get my half of breakfast done. You can hug me or whatever when this is all done."

He raised an eyebrow suggestively as he loosened his grip on me. I turned to face him and studied his expression wearily. "What?"

"What's this 'or whatever' you speak of?" he asked, grinning slyly. My eyes widened and heat seared my cheeks. "Fred!" I hissed, swatting at him with the spoons. He had enough sense to move. "Sorry, sorry!" He ducked his head and went back to cooking.

I rolled my eyes and jabbed the spoons into their respective bowls. I shot a glare at him over my shoulder only to find him staring right back at me. "Get back to cooking!" I scolded, winding up a dish towel and aiming for his thigh. The cloth met his leg with a satisfyingly loud snap. His knees buckled as he clutched his thigh, struggling not to cry out. 

I pressed my lips into a line as I tried not to laugh. Fred shook his head, still struggling. His face started to turn red and I realised he was holding his breath so he wouldn't make any noise. "Okay, I'm sorry. I know that one hurt. That's my bad." I pulled out my wand and murmured a spell to make the pain stop.

He exhaled shakily and straightened up again. "I'll get you back for that one," he warned, taking the meats off of the stove. He started piling them onto plates and began making eggs.

As he scrambled some for the kids, I wrapped my arms around his waist. I buried my face in his back and squeezed him tightly. "I really am sorry for that one. I didn't think it would hit that hard." I felt him place one of his hands over mine. He hummed to himself for a moment, a tune that I didn't recognise. 

"Fine. I guess you're forgiven," he mumbled. "But I will get payback somehow." I nodded and stepped away from him. "Totally understandable." I hopped up onto an empty section of the counter. Fred looked over at me questioningly. "I'm done with my part. I'll just sit and keep you company."

A smile spread across his face as he returned to the last bit of cooking. He doesn't seem to notice the smile is there, but I definitely did. It's the kind of smile that shows off his dimples and I love it so much. He looks so cute when he smiles like that. Then again I always think he looks cute. I watched every move he made and studied his face as well. 

Even though it's literally the first day of the new year, he somehow still has a bit of a tan from last summer. His hair is more of a burnt orange than a fiery red anymore, but it suits him. His freckles are darker and there are more now than when we were kids. I often forget how much time truly passed while we were gone. It felt like a blur in the moment, and since I've been back home it feels like no time has passed. But it definitely has. It plowed on even when I thought the world would end.

I can also tell how much time has passed by how much Fred has changed. Instead of being so reckless and careless, he's more serious and thoughtful now. He takes time to think how certain situations will play out before he acts on something (usually). I never thought I'd see the day that Fred Weasley matured. But the war played a huge part in that. If he's like me, then losing the one he loved played an even bigger part in that. He's not the same boy that I fell in love with - he's the man I fell in love with.

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