Chapter 1

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(Lydia POV)
"Truth or Dare?"
I looked at my best friend and bit my lip. " Umm... truth!" I say. I was all prepared for a cliche question when Kira asked something I never would have expected. " Why don't you like Stiles back?" That hit me like a sledgehammer. I glanced at her completely shocked, wondering if she was joking. The stern look in her eyes told me she wasn't. " Of course I like Stiles", I say. "He's like my best guy friend." Kira looked at me. " You know what I mean Red ." She knows me too well. " I mean like why don't you like him in "that" way? He's so sweet to you and he's practically been in love you since the fourth grade." " Third grade actually" I chime in. " Point taken." Since I'm with Scott now, you should give Stiles a chance. You can't possibly not like him after all these years. So why don't you?" I look at Kira longingly. I've held what I really felt for so many years now. Maybe I should finally tell someone. " Ok fine, but what do you want me to say?" Kira's looks at me gives me a little nudge. " The truth" I sigh. " Ok, here it goes."

Okay that was the first chapter! Hope you guys like it. If you've never seen Teen Wolf, you might not understand this. But all you really need to know for now is that Stiles has liked Lydia since the third grade, but she never liked him back. This is an AU so I'm completely changing Lydia's home life. More of that soon. Thanks for reading!:)

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