Chapter 18

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(Lydia POV)
I stood outside his front door. I knew what I had to do. I knocked three times before Stiles opened the door. He looked very surprised that I was talking to him. He opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off. "I'm not mad" I said. He looked confused. "About which thing?" I sighed. "At this point, both. I guess you did what you did, but now, who cares. It still hurts though. And I'm still healing. But i miss you." He smiled. "I've waited so long to here you say that." I nodded and gave a weak smile. "I forgive you, but I'm not ready to get back together. I still need some time to heal. " He nodded. "Take your time." She nodded. "I just wanted you to know-"Both our phones buzzed. It was a text from Scott. "GET TO THE SCHOOL NOW!!!!!" I looked up at Stiles. We dashed into his jeep. As soon as we reached the school, Scott met us. "A prisoner escaped the jail with a gun after they told him he needed to stay longer. He's somewhere in the building and so is Kira!" He looked so scared for a werewolf, but I knew why. He couldn't lose another girlfriend, or anyone at this point. I began to walk towards the building when Scott stopped me.
"Lydia...its your dad."
(Stiles POV)
I looked at Lydia. She looked horrified. "My dad?!" Tears can to her eyes. "Of course it's my dad!" I tried to comfort her but this wasn't a pain that could be eased. Scott spoke up. "Lydia you don't have to go in there if he's there." She shook her head. "I'm not scared of him anymore. And I won't let him hurt anyone I love again. Let's go save Kira!"
(Lydia POV)
I marched into the west side of the building. We decided to split up in hopes of finding him better. I looked around for awhile before I saw a dark figure past down the hall. I held back a scream and raised my bat above my head. Stiles had brought two this time. "Who's there?" I whispered. "My name is Jeff" I heard back. I stood up straight and lowered my bat, feeling very annoyed. "Really Kira?" She came out from a classroom laughing loudly. "Oh yeah sure, laugh really loud. It's not like there's a psychotic escaped prisoner with a gun looking for us" I said sarcastically. That shout her up. "Right. Sorry." I glad to have Kira with me. She had well, whatever Kitsunes have.
(Stiles POV)
I found myself in a classroom. I had my bat raised above my head. All I could think about was what Lydia was about to say before our phones rang. Suddenly I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to have a gun resting on my forehead. I gulped. It was Mr. Martin. "Hello, Stiles was it?" He smiled smugly. I nodded vaguely. "You wouldn't happen to know where Lydia is, would you?" He was enjoying this, watching me squirm. "If you don't tell me, I might have to shoot you." I squeezed my eyes shut. "Shoot me" I mumbled. He raised his eyebrows. "SHOOT ME!" I screamed. I suddenly heard a gun shot and felt blood spatter my face. I opened my eyes to see Lydia, looking very frighted, in the doorway. She had thrown her bat at him so he missed his shot and ended up shooting the ceiling. She rushed over to me and used her sleeves to wipe the blood from my face. She must have hit her dad really hard. "You okay?" she asked. She looked bewildered. "Yeah yeah. You?" She nodded, eyes still wide with fear. "I think so." I grabbed her hand and ran out the door. "Let's get out here"
(Lydia POV)
We raced out the building. "The cops are on their way" Scott informed us. He was holding Kira's hand and looked much calmer. Maybe he found a new anchor. We began to discuss why Scott and Kira were at the school when I saw a figure on the roof, not to far from us. I recognized him as one of the goons in my dads group. "He brought a posse" I whispered. "Everyone turned around to see a group of grungy men circling us. One of them grabbed me and pulled me a little away from the group. Stiles was about to go after me but one of the guys stopped him. "Easy loverboy. Stay back and she don't get killed." His grammar was awful. Stiles backed up slowly. Another guy grabbed Kira. "Ladies shouldn't watch us fight these punks." Kira struggled to get free. "You're the punks! Now let us go!" I squirmed as well. "Don't fight us red. You come with us without a fight, we leave your friends alone." The remained of the gang circled Scott and Stiles. "If you try to break free, we kill them boys and keeps the girly over there as our little hostage." I began to doubt this guy had ever set foot in an English class. I stayed still. "Alright everyone! No ones gonna try anything. We just gonna wait here until boss comes, then we takes little red and nobody gets hurt. "Besides me" I grumbled. I suddenly saw my dad appear on the roof, not to high up. Voices suddenly filled my head. They all said one name. Stiles.
(Stiles POV)
I gulped. We were in deep trouble. I looked over at Lydia. She was bound by the mighty arms of one of the gang members. She had that look in her face, like when she was hearing something. She looked at me, then at something in the distance. I followed her gaze and spotted her dad, a gun pointed at me. "You told" he mouthed. He walked up to the gang. "Alright boys. Good work. But I made a little deal about what would happen if loverboy ever told, and I believe it's time for me to follow up on the deal." He locked his gun and pulled the trigger. I closed my eyes and something slammed into me, but it wasn't a bullet. It was Lydia.

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