Chapter 37 A Rose Dream (Last Chapter)

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(Lydia POV)
(3 years later)
I was laying on my bed reading. I realized that for once, I was actually happy. I had been dating Stilinski for 3 years now. In that time, I stopped cutting myself. I was starting to accept who I was. All because of a spazzy, brown eyed goofball who claimed my heart. I smiled at the thought of him. The one good thing that came into my life and stayed. Suddenly, my phone lit up. It was a text from Stiles.
"Meet me outside your house in an hour. Dress fancy. I recommend wearing waterproof mascara (don't ask)"
I laughed. What could he possibly have planned? I got off my bed and flung open my closet. "Hmmmm...what to wear?" I selected a short, formal white dress with big bold roses and spaghetti straps. I threw a red cardigan on and paired it with some red heels. I pulled my hair into a near bun and put a rose headband around the bun. I curled the lose strands that fell from my head. Once I was done, I walked into the bathroom to fix up my face. I put on waterproof mascara, as required, along with a rosey blush and red lipgloss. I smiled at my reflection. "Perfect" I walked downstairs and bumped into Larissa. "Oh Arial" she breathed. She glanced me over with a look of approval. "I'm loving this whole rose theme with your rosey hair. It's brilliant!" I beamed and thanked her. "Stiles is taking me out." She sighed. "Ugh I'd kill for a teen romance as sweet as yours. You really snagged yourself a perfect guy Lyds." I smiled. "I really did." Suddenly, we heard a knock at the door. Butterflies invaded my stomach as Larissa raced to open the door. And there he was, my knight in shining armor, riding in on his golden horse, well actually, my spaz in a light blue button down riding in on his matching jeep. But, a fairytales a fairytale right? Stiles jaw dropped when he saw me. I blushed. "Lyds you quite rosey for starters..." he trailed off looking stunned. "You don't look to bad yourself Stilinski." He blushed. Larissa looked at us and scoffed. "Now are you two gonna stand there gawking at each other or are you going out to have a magical evening?" Stiles snapped out of his trace. "One magical evening coming right up!" I laughed and walked over to him, giving him a peak on the lips. He blushed and offered me the crook of his arm. "Off we go my lady?" I nodded. "Off we go. "
We drove around a bit until Stiles parked in front of a gated area. He hopped out of the car and ran over to open my door. I rolled my eyes at his sweetness. "Such a gentleman" I added, taking his hand as he helped me out. We walked to the gates and paused. "Now what I'm about to show you may blow your mind. And ironically, you're dressed perfectly for this. Now without further discussion, I present to you, your dreamland." He pushed open the gates and lead me inside. My breath was practically stolen from me. I had never, ever in my life seen anything so beautiful. We walked further in. Stiles had taken me to a rose garden. All around, giant walls of bushes, dotted with red roses surrounded us like a maze. I was stunned. It was extraordinarily beautiful, especially with the sun setting, giving us a golden glow. Stiles lead me deeper in. I was mesmerized by the beauty.
(Stiles POV)
Perfect. Lydia loved where I took her. As she observed the beauty around her, I observed the beauty walking next to me. She looked like an angel tonight. Soon, we came to my special destination. A stone fountain stood in the center of the rose garden. There was a ledge where you could sit. I took Lydia's hand and sat down. She tore her gaze away from the roses and stared into my eyes. The sun had fully set and we were sitting in the middle of a moonlit dream. My heart was beating like crazy. "Ok" I thought. "It's time"
(Lydia POV)
Stiles seemed so nervous. He began to speak. "Look Lyds, we've been together for a long time and, I really love you..." I stopped him. "Oh no. I should've know this was a break up." Tears threatened my eyes. My heart sank. Stiles just blushed and looked down. After a moment of silence, Stiles cleared his throat. "Quite the opposite actually. I took you hear to see if well, there's really only one way to say this but..." Suddenly, he got down on one knee. My hand flew over my mouth. "Lydia Juliette Martin, will you, um....marry me?" He pulled out a diamond ring. Tears spilled over my eyes. "So that's why he wanted me to wear waterproof mascara" I thought. I couldn't speak. "Oh Stiles, I love you but I just can't..."
His face fell.
"Think of a better way to tell you yes. Absolutely, without a doubt, positively yes! I will marry you." He blinked, looking completely stunned.
"I though you were gonna say no!"
"Well I thought you were gonna break up with me so now we're even."
He smiled and I pulled him up back onto the ledge. He capture my lips in a kiss and brought a hand up to my face. He wiped away my tears with his thumb. When he pulled away, we rested out foreheads together. I closed my eyes, taking in his love. "Now the only way I want to make you cry. Tears of joy." I smiled and opened my eyes. "Same here Stilinski" he laughed and kissed me again, sliding the ring into my finger. I stared at it and smiled. It was a stone set reminder that I fell in love with my best friend. " you realize this is the greatest moment of my life right?" He laughed. "Oh please. The girls I've been in love with since third grade just said she would marry me. I think I win in the happiness scale." Here I was, over the top happy. My life has changed for the better all because of this boy, who I could now permanently call mine. When I started out, I was shattered, but now...I'm just slightly broken❤️

The End

So this is the last chapter. I just felt to story was getting to long, but don't worry, I'm writing a Stydia one shot soon. Thanks so much for reading! Please make sure you read my one shot. It's called "Perfect Combinations" leave a comment on what you think. Bye!

Slightly Broken~ A stydia storyWhere stories live. Discover now