Chapter 10

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(Stiles POV)
I had been preparing ever since I got home. Lydia would be here in half an hour, and I couldn't wait. Things were so different now, especially since I broke up with Malia. Tonight, I was just going to be me and Lydia, no wear-wolf drama or anything like that. I was ecstatic.
(Lydia POV)
I looked in the mirror and smoothed my skirt. I had on a pink paisley shirt that you had to tie in the back, a schoolgirl print blank and pink skirt, and black ankle boots. I smiled. "Alright Lydia. Don't mess this up. This are finally normal between you and Stiles. " I said to myself. I promised myself to keep it cool tonight, to not be overly flirty or anything. After all, he just broke up with his girlfriend. "But whatever happens, happens. "You look amazing" came a voice, startling me. I turned to see Miri. "Thanks Mir, that means a lot coming from you." Living at Larissa's house brought us closer than ever. "Look, I'm sorry I froze you out in the past, I was just-" I cut her off. "Absolutely no need to apologize. It's okay. I can't say u forgive you, because I was never upset with you. Just hurt. But we're good now and that's what means the most to me right now." Tears came to Miri's eyes and she ran to hug me. "I love you" she sobbed. Tears ran down my cheeks as I hugged her back, never wanting to let go. "I love you too. "
(Stiles POV)
Cologne on?
No dad?
"Yes dad"
I screamed. "Dad?! I thought you left!" "And I thought you stopped talking to yourself and yet here we are. " I groaned. "And people wonder why I'm so sarcastic." He smiled. "I'm just thought I'd stay and welcome Lydia." I gave him a puzzled look. "Why?" He sighed. "Well son, I know your planning to um "make your move" so I just wanted to check Lydia out for myself. See if she's a good one." I sighed too. "Dad, first of all, no one says "make your move". I'm just having her over in hopes of us finally being together after my 10 year plan. Secondly, you know Lydia, why do you need to check her out?" He patted my shoulder. "I need to know if she's good enough for you. I don't want her breaking your heart. " The line about her being good enough echoed through my head, causing me to remember what she thought. I silently promised myself to somehow let her know she was perfect for me. Suddenly the doorbell rang. I shrieked again. "Jesus Stiles if that sounded any more feminine I could have sworn it came from her." I sucked in my breath. "I hope she didn't hear that." I stated. "Oh I did" she called through the door, laughter in her voice. "Nice lungs by the way." I hid my embarrassment and opened the door. "Hey Martin" I said awkwardly, knowing my dad was right behind me. "Hey Stilinski and hello there Mr. Stilinski!" she said reaching out to shake his hand. "I brought brownies!" She said in a singsong voice. "Well she certainly makes a great impression. " my dad said, eyes focused on the brownies. "Ok well this has been fun, so um...bye dad!" I said and grabbed Lydia's hand, pulling her up the stairs. "Wait." My dad called, grabbed Lydia's arm. He then looked from me to her. "What are your intentions to-" "OH MY GOD DAD STOP!" Lydia laughed. "Don't worry Mr. Stilinski I'll be good to him." I blushed. "Dad, don't you have to go be a police?" I asked, eager for him to go. "I'm not sure you used that right-" "BYEEEEE!" I said while pushing him out the door. I tuned to Lydia, and gestured up the stairs. "Shall we?" I asked, holding out my arm. She smiled and linked her arm to mine.
"We shall."

Hope you guys are liking it so far. Comment what you think!!! Thanks for reading!

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