Chapter 30

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(Lydia POV)
I was walking home from Allison's grave. It had been a week since my last fight with Stiles. As I walked into my driveway, I noticed someone sitting on my porch. It was him. Stiles.
"What are you doing here?"
"I'm here because I love you"
"I love you. I don't mean love you like the way I love to wear plaid or the way I love to force Scott to watch Star Wars or the way I love my jeep. I love you in a way I've never loved anyone before. I love you in a way that consumes me. "
Tears fell fast.
"I have so much if you in my heart. You're still what matters the most to me even when we're not together. And I find myself knowing I need to choose you or Malia, and I choose you. And I'll choose you over and over and over. Without a pause, without a doubt, In a heartbeat. I'll always choose you."
I wiped my tears.
"You broke my heart. And I know you'll do it again. But if anyone's going to break this heart, I think it should be you"
He grabbed the ends of my scarf and pulled me closer.
"I miss you. I want you. I want us. I want it all. With you. Only you" he told me.
I rested my forehead against his and looked into his eyes.
"Please just try to love me again"
He whispered. His eyes were closed and tears fell down his cheeks.
"Who said I ever stopped?"
Before I knew it, we were kissing. He kissed me like I had been gone at war for a million years. And I knew, I just knew, I had found him. My other half. The person I love. The person I'll always love. The boy at the end of my red string. The one who'd be waiting for me at the end of the aisle in a black tux, standing next to a priest. The boy I'd grow old with. We'd fight, but what's love without fights? I need him. He needs me. We need each other. I could say I hate him but I'd never mean it. I loved him. Stiles Stilinski. The sarcastic little spaz with the bat. He was my batman, my world, my anchor, and my one true love.
(Stiles POV)
I pulled away and looked into Lydia's eyes. She had that same look on her face, the one she gave me right after our kids in the boys locker room. The kinda look that screams oh-my-god-I-love-you. She leaned her forehead against mine again.
"I love you too. Not just love, but in love. I never want to leave you again."
I smiled. "Yeah that's good with me."
She giggled. "Come on let's go inside. I can't feel my anything." I led her inside. She may be cold, but I was never warmer. We takes in her bed for hours before she fell asleep in my arms. I watched her sleep. She looked so content. I hadn't felt so peaceful and happy since we broke up. But we were together now, and at the moment, that was the absolute only thing that mattered.

Thank you so much for 1.1k reads!!!! Above is my stydia drawing of the red string of fate. Ugh the feels of this chapter! I loved writing it. Do you guys think this should be the end of this story? Comment if you think I should end it or continue. Thanks for reading!

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