Chapter 2

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(Lydia POV)
"Well the truth is Kira, I do love Stiles." Her jaw dropped. " But how come you never..." I held up my hand to stop her. " Let me explain" She vaguely nodded. " I always kinda liked Stiles, but mostly as a friend. There were ways times of course when I would think of him and find myself smiling uncontrollably. But I knew I loved him after our kiss. I felt something I never felt with Jackson or Aiden. I felt true love." I stopped monologging for a second to look at Kira. Her eyes were huge and her face has frozen in shock. "YOU LOVE HIM!" She exclamation was so loud even to a banshee. "Shhhhh someone could here." I said, trying to sound annoyed but I couldn't hide my smile. Neither could Kira. She started silently fangirling and I laughed. " it's no big deal" I said. She stopped fangiing and stared at me. " ARE YOU KIDDING?! ITS THE HUGEST DEAL!" She was beyond excited. " You love him, and he loves you so it's, its um" she frantically looked around and suddenly put her hands together in a heart shape. " STYDIA" She exclaimed. " The birth of stydia!!!" She suddenly calmed down and realized something. " Wait, if you guys both love each other, why aren't you together? Why haven't you told him?!" I sighed. " I have my reasons. Plus, he's with Malia now." Kira looked heartbroken. " Ok girl, you better have one hell of a story as to why you never to him." I laughed. " Fine I'll tell you. But pull up a pillow. You better sleepover."

Second chapter is up! I'll try to post tomorrow. Thanks for reading!

Slightly Broken~ A stydia storyWhere stories live. Discover now