Chapter 5

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(Stiles POV)
I couldn't wait get to school. I now knew very important things about Lydia that I never knew before. I had to be subtle about this though. I was going to start off small by showing her I still love her, and then, well everything else. I immediately see her fiery red curls and smiled. I'm about to go up to her when Malia stopped me. " Stiles can I talk to you?"Lydia now spotted us. "Yeah sure" Malia turned around to see
what I was staring at. " Um, privately" I focused back on Malia and followed her
outside. " Look, there's no easy way to say this, but o think you need to stop spending so much time with that redhead. " I hid my shock. " Well actually it's strawberry blonde." She groaned. " That's exactly what I mean! Everyone tells me you and Lydia are like this schools OTP. That's not an easy thing to hear considering I'm your
girlfriend!" I realized I momentarily forgot Malia was my girlfriend. " Um sure right sorry gotta go bye!" I quickly dashed away. Suddenly the bell rang. " I guess I'll just talk to Lydia after school "
(Lydia POV)
I was beyond upset. I finally saw Stiles coming to talk to me for the first time in weeks but Malia grabbed him away. I missed him like crazy. The good news was me confiding in Kira brought us closer than ever. " She'll never replace you though" I whispered looking up, thinking of my beautiful hunter watching over me. The thought of Allison cheered me up, as it always did. I smiled to myself.
(Stiles POV)
I glanced over at Lydia and saw he smiling. I missed her. Malia's warning to stay away from her echoed through my head. I didn't know what to do.
The classes seemed to drag on forever. All I could think about was what I was going to tell Lydia. I sent her text telling her to meet me outside the boys locker room after school. I glanced up at her to see her reaction. When she saw my message, she bit back at smile. Them she looked up at me and I winked. She casually shrugged and gave her trademark smile. I smiled.
(Lydia's POV)
My heartbeat quickened as the last bell ran. I wondered what Stiles had to tell me. I quickly stopped by my locker to perfect myself. "Good enough" I thought and made my way to the lockers.
"Where is he?" I thought. He was late. Classic Stiles. I whipped out my phone and texted Kira. " IM GONNA PEE MY PANTS IM SO NERVOUS!" I wrote. " You'll be fine:)" She sent back. I sighed and put my phone away. I began to examine my bracelets instead.
I screamed. Not my banshee scream, just my regular oh-my-god-what-was-that scream. I hand flew back and smacked into the wall. I turned around to see who was there. Stiles of course. " Sorry!" He said. I had to talk to coach. I managed a smile but kept rubbing my wrist. " Uh here let me look" he said, and before I could protest, he pushed back my bracelets, revealing 5 years worth of suicide scars. " I uh" i stammered, unable to find words. I couldn't believe it. I never wanted him to see this. I felt so ashamed. Tears threatened my eyes. "Lydia". It was all he could say. He was heartbroken. He looked into my eyes. I tried as hard as I could to keep from crying. It didn't work. " Lydia no" his voice cracked. " Why would you do this to yourself?" He sounded so broken. " I need to tell him" I though. Well here it goes, my number one deepest secret.

How do you guys like it so far? You'll learn all about Lydia next chapter. Comment what you think! Thanks for reading!❤️

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