Chapter 27

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(Lydia POV)
I hadn't spoken to Stiles in 3 weeks. I was too heartbroken to even look at him. I spotted him in the hall. He looked at me and gave me a sad smile. I froze, but stared into his eyes. Malia came over to him. She was all happy until she followed his gaze and her eyes fell in me. "Crap" I whispered and bolted. I didn't stop running till I was out of the building. I stopped for breath, but then I saw Malia running towards me. "Crap!" I whisper-yelled this time and took off towards the woods. I thought I out ran her until a body tackled me, knocking us both down a hill. She pinned me the the forest floor and stared into my eyes, hers glowing blue. "Malia. Please don't hurt me." She growled. "Why shouldn't I? Stiles broke up with you but still won't get back with me. He's an idiot. He's still madly in love with you for whatever reason yet won't move on or let himself have you. But I think he'll want me once I kill you, tell him I tried to save you, and comfort him in his darkest moments. So how do you want me to do this Lydia? Should I scratch out your throat or maul you? Come to think of it, I am pretty hungry, and but eating you, they couldn't find your body. After all, I'm a big fan of ginger." She smirked. "First of all, I'm a strawberry blonde. Secondly, you don't want to eat me. I'm like 75% water. I don't eat anything so I probably taste gross." She shrugged. "You're right. But nothing will stop me from mauling you now will it?"
(Stiles POV)
I looked around for Lydia and Malia. I saw them take off together. I wandered around in the woods with Scott. "Where could they be?" I asked. Scott sniffed the air. "I'm picking up Malia's sent, but I also smell something else." He looked worried. "What is it?" He liked up at me. "It's blood."
(Lydia POV)
I woke up groggy. I could open my eyes fully. "LYDIA!" I heard someone yell. I think it was Stiles. "Lydia oh my god! Scott we have to get her to a hospital." I felt him pick me up. He started running. "Lydia just hang on okay? Please just don't die on me." He sounded so worried. I do myself slowly slipping out of consciousness.
My eyes fluttered open. I was in a hospital bed. I tried to sit up, but everything, and I mean everything hurt. I managed to sit upright. I noticed Stiles sitting in a chair nearby, his head in his hands. "Hey Stilinski" I said sleepily. He glanced up, his eyes filled with shock. "Oh my god Martin you're okay!" He jumped up and wrapped his strong arms around me. "I thought I lost you." He muttered into my hair. He pulled away and looked at me with tear stricken eyes. "I thought you had left me again, but this time, you hated me." I sighed and rubbed his arm. "I could never hate you." He continued: " I thought I would never hear your voice, or see your smile, or listen to one of your crazy fangirl rampage." I laughed softly. "I thought I'd never hug you again. Or even remember what's it's like for you to love me." He looked down. I lifted his chin with my finger. "Don't you worry Stilinski. That crazed coyote can't get rid of me that easy." He blushed. "I've missed you so much. Missed us." He sighed. "But we just can't be together. It's not that simple. It's never that simple." He looked down again. I bit my lip. "Screw simplicity. I just want my sarcastic spaz back." He looked up at me shocked. "You really mean-" I cut him off with a kiss. All my pain melted away.

So that's chapter 27. Also, please check out my YouTube channel. It's Sami Cordeiro. My INSTA is sami_oller. My kik and snapchat is also sami_oller. You can follow or add my on any of these. Make sure you comment if you've read my story, and I'll follow you back! Thanks for reading❤️

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