Chapter 4

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(Lydia POV)
" I'm just not good enough!" There. I had said it. It's came out in a rushed sob, leaving Kira speechless. " Not good enough? You're Lydia Martin! You own the school socially and academically. What do you mean you're not good enough?" I sighed. " Stiles is as sweet as it gets. He's puts others first without hesitation. I'm so broken inside. I know I can't give him the live he deserves. " Tears are escaping my eyes now. " That boy deserves the world, and I could never give him that." Kira was dumbfounded. " Lydia oh my God. I had no idea." I wiped my tears. " Yeah well, I've learned to hide a wars worth of pain behind my smile. " Keep going" Kira said. " Tell me everything." "Where did you learn to love?" I asked Kira. She was taken aback. " Exactly" I said. " You grow up thinking you never learned to love. But not for me. You learn to live by watching your parents. Seeing the little thing they do to show their undying love for you. I never had that. My parents never loved me!" " Oh Lydia that's not true! Of course they love you!" I shook my head. "No. They didn't. Well, they never told me at-least. They always said to me " you're imperfect. A pathetic little freak!" I was completely sobbing now. " And one day they dropped me off at school and asked which was the boy I always talked about. I pointed at Stiles and they told me "him, you're way to pathetic for him. He's to good for you. You don't deserve someone like him." I winced at the memory. " Those words just always stuck with me. That I didn't deserve him. But I still wanted him, so I dated Jackson, and Aidan to, you know, practice loving someone. But I always wanted him. I tried to make him stop liking me by ignoring him and never going out with him, but he stayed faithful. That is of course, until Malia came along. " I was a little calmer now. " I knew I already lost him. Lost the boy I loved but could never call mine. The worst part was pretending I didn't care. That hurt like crazy." I cleared my throat. " Actually, the worst part was seeing him look at her, the way he used to look at me. " The tears started pouring again. " I just kept thinking I lost him, I lost him, until I remembered, I didn't lose him because he was never mine. " Kira looked at me and took my hands in hers. " Lydia, I can't believe you never told this to anyone. You must be heartbroken!" I smiled at her. " At least I have you. My greatest friend in the world." She smiled and we hugged. " I just wish he knew I loved him" I whispered.
(Stiles POV)
I looked up at Scott bewildering. " SHE LOVES ME!" I screamed. " LYDIA MARTIN LOVES ME!!" This was the greatest news ever. " Dude, did you hear everything else she said? She thinks you've abandoned her. And that she doesn't deserve you. " I stopped freaking out and looked at Scott. " Oh my gosh you're right! She probably hates me now!" Scott looked at me. " I think she made it pretty clear that she loves you." I couldn't help but smile. " She loves me" I grinned so big it hurt. " I know, I know. I heard the tale to remember? Now you've got to okay this cool. You can't let her know you know. Wait until she's ready. " I stopped dancing for a minuet. " What if she's never ready! She thinks I don't care about her anymore!" " Then you need to let her know you still care. " I nodded. " You're right."

Fourth chapter!! I hope you guys are enjoying it. Leave a comment about what you think. There will be more on Lydia's home life soon. Goodnight!

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