Chapter 32

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I heard someone calling my name. It was a whisper, barely there, but I heard it. I sat up. I could see anything. I looked down and noticed I was wearing a white silk dress. I feel something weighing down my back. Something that felt like feathers brushed against my sleeveless arms. "Lydia" I heard again. I stood up and walked towards the voice. Then I saw her. Her dress was similar to mine but had long, sheer sleeves. She has angel wings and a glowing halo. Her short brown hair was piled into a messy bun atop her head. It was her. Her! "Allison" I breathed and bolted towards her. I flung my arms around her and squeezed the life out of her, ironic, considering she was dead. "I missed you so much" I sobbed. "I missed you more red. But I've been watching over you and..." I groaned. "Don't say it." She said it anyway. "Stydia! It finally happened! I wish I could have been the one you called after you kissed him. We would have had a sleepover and talked about it all night. Just like what we did the first time you kissed him. " I smiled and pulled away from her to look at the beautiful face I've missed so much. "Yeah. I wish you could've been there. Well not like there when we kissed, but afterwards." She smiled at me. "You've been coming to my grave a lot. I see you there all the time. That means so much to me." I interlaced our fingers. "I can't live without my best friend. My hunter. So I go as often as I can. It almost makes it bearable that you're gone." We hugged again briefly. As I hugged her , I noticed her wings and dress. Reality began to hit me. "Allison?" I pulled away and looked at her all confused. "Yeah?" I gulped. "Why am I here? I mean I'm so glad to see you, but where are we?" It all began to come back to me. I've been here before. When I jumped in front of the bullet for Stiles. Tears came to my eyes. "Is this heaven?" I whispered. Allison shook her head. "Purgatory actually. You don't remember what happened?" I shook my head. "What happened?" Allison but her lip. "There was a car crash. A drunk driver hit you and Stiles. You flung yourself on top of him to protect him. You got hit pretty bad." I blinked back tears. "Am I dying?" She looked deep in my eyes. "No. You're having an out of body experience. I'm just here to tell you what's happening. But now that you know, I'm sending you back to the hospital. You need to chose to live or die. It's all up to you. When you have an answer, you'll know what to do." I nodded. "Tell me about the crash." She sighed. "You and Stiles were driving. You started fighting pretty bad. He said he hated you. You stared at him and didn't see the car coming at you." Tears spilled out of my eyes. "He hates me?" She rubbed my arm. "Lydia he didn't mean it. But you have to go now. " we hugged and said our goodbyes, and suddenly I was at the hospital, staring at my own body.
(Stiles POV);
I stared at her. "Oh Lydia please don't be dead." I was clutching her hand so tightly my knuckles were white. I was furious at myself. I caused her to crash. I said I hated her. I could never hate her. I couldn't live with myself if she died.
(Lydia POV)
I watched Stiles. He kept staring at my lifeless body. He whispered words of love. I was so torn. I could die and be with Allison, or stay and be with Stiles. Allison loved me, Stiles hated me. It didn't seem like a difficult choice anymore. I began to see bright lights until Stiles spoke. "Lydia, please. If you can hear me wake up. I didn't mean it. I didn't mean what I said. I could never hate you. I love you. I didn't fall in love with you, I walked into love with you, with my eyes wide open, choosing to take every step along the way. I do believe in fate and destiny, but I also believe we are fated to do the things we'd choose anyways. And I'd choose you, in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred words in any version of reality. I'd find you and choose you. Because I love you. And believe me when I say I can not live without you. If that line were to go dead, I'd run up to the roof and throw myself off it. I wouldn't want to live a second of my life without you in it. I need you. Please come back to me." I but my lip. My choice was clear.
(Stiles POV)
I put my head in my hands. Something told me she wasn't coming back. My heart hurt. Everything hurt. I told her I hated her and yet she once again risked her life to save mine.
(Lydia POV)
I saw the bright light again. I had made my decision. I followed the light. Suddenly, my eyes fluttered open.
(Stiles POV)
"I choose you too Stilinski"
I looked up. My pale strawberry blonde princess was staring at me. She had a sleepy smile on her face. "Lydia?" My voice cracked. "In the flesh. The bruised flesh." She winced at her wounds. I wrapped my arms around her. She was back. She came back to me. "I chose you" she whispered. "Please don't make me regret it."

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