Chapter 16

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(2 months later)
(Lydia POV)
It had been 2 months since I broke up with Stiles. Everyday it still hurt, like an open wound. Scott manager to be best friends with Stiles and support me at the same time. Gotta love Scott. Kira was there for me 24/7. Even with all the love and support I got from my friends, it still felt like an open wound. Scott told me to get a tattoo. Kira, Scott and I waited in the tattoo parlor, decided what I should get. I ran my finger along the scars on my wrist, noticing two right by my hand made a cross-cross pattern. "Guys, I think I know what I'm getting." An hour later, we walked out of the shop. I now had two little arrows covering my scars. Under the arrows, in small script it said "we protect this who cannot protect themselves" I loved it. A permanent reminder of my best friend. I only decided to cover up two of my scars, and stop wearing bracelets to cover my other ones. I now thought of them as my battle scars. Lately, I've been getting cyber bullied. It's was all because of Malia telling the whole school about my dad. But who cares about them? I had Scott as a protecter, Kira as a best friend, and Allison watching over me. I felt renewed. I decided to give Stiles a call.
(Stiles POV)
"I can't believe you told everyone" i grumbled. Malia was forcing me to hang out with her. "Look at Lydia's social media account! Everyone's bullying her and it's all your fault!" Malia shrugged. "I don't see why you care. She's never going to take you back." I glared at her. "I love her. And I'll do absolutely anything to get her back."
(Lydia POV)
I sat on my floor and whipped out my laptop. I noticed an email from Beacon Hills jail. It said my dad would be released next week, but he had a 20 feet restraining order. I gulped. "You know what? Who cares? He can't come near me and I'm safe. Since I had my laptop out, I decided to check my social media. "Oh no" my stomach dropped. It was way worse than before. All the comments were heart wrenching. Tears spilled out my eyes. I remembered I had wanted to call Stiles. I picked up my phone and dialed his number. He picked up immediately. "Lydia! I haven't talked to you in like 2 months. I...I um really miss you." he sounded so sorrowful. I smiled at his words. I've been stupid to ignore him. I then remembered he told Malia what my father did and she told the school. My smiled faded. I was about to speak when I heard a voice on Stiles phone. "Babe come back to bed" tears came to my eyes. "Shut up!" I heard Stiles scream to something behind him. "Was that Malia?" I asked in practically a whisper. I was almost to heartbroken to speak. He sighed. "Yeah but, it's not what you think. She's just being troublesome. " I fought tears. "Well I guess I'll leave you guys too it." Stiles sighed again. "Lydia please this is not at all what you think! Malia and I aren't together. Please just tell me what you called me for." He sounded desperate. I was losing it. "I um, gotta go. Goodbye." He gulped. "Where are you going?" I stifled a sob. "Somewhere...better. I hope." I then hung up. I couldn't take it anymore. I didn't want to live on this heartbreaking world a second longer. I grabbed a bottle a pills and sat on my bed. "Miri, I just want you to know I love you!" I shouted. "Whatever. Love you too." she called back. Without thinking another thought, I downed the pills.
(Stiles POV)
I was driving as fast as I could. I knew what Lydia meant. She was going to kill herself and I couldn't let her. I dialed Miri's number. She answered immediately. "Stiles what's going on?!" She sounded frantic. "Miri, Miri listen to me, go into Lydia's rom and make sure she's okay." I shouted. "Okay" I heard footsteps through the phone. "It's locked!" she cried. " the door is locked! Stiles what's going on?!" I couldn't explain. "Can you hear anything? Did she say anything?" I was almost to her house. "Yeah she told me she loved me." Tears fell down my eyes. I quickly pulled into her driveway and bred inside, not even closing my car door. Luckily the front door was unlocked. I barges inside and ran upstairs. I saw Miri outside Lydia's door, desperately reaching for the key. "Stiles what's happening?!" She was crying hysterically. I realized I was too. "Just move over." I grabbed the key from on top of the doorpost and unlocked her door. Miri and I bathed in. I saw Lydia face down in her bed, unsure if she was breathing. I grabbed her and dragged her into the bathroom. I hurled her into the tub on my lap. Miri cane in after us. I turned on the water and squeezed Lydia a couple times. Pills came out of her mouth. She began to breath. I sighed in relief. She was crying hysterically, much like Miri. "I wanna die, just let me die" Lydia said , over and over. I held her close and whispered in her ear.
"Not a chance."

So that's the 16 chapter. Comments what you think. I used Violets suicide scene from season one of American Horror Story because it was so sweet. Thanks for reading!

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