Chaper 33 cont.

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(Lydia POV)
My eyes fluttered open. I was very drunk. The last thing I remember is Scott giving me some weird drink. Stiles was with me. "Hi hi Sti Sti!" I said. I giggled. "Your name is funnnny" He looked at me and smiled. "You...have a pretty face." He cupped my chin in his hands. "I want to put it against my face" he muttered. I backed up. "Paws off me Easter Bunny!" I began to look around. "Woah what's with all these clocks?" Stiles looked around too. "Are we in a time machine?" I turned to him, but only by moving the upper part of my body. I could bring myself to move my feet. "I think so."
(Scott and Kira POV)
"So what's the plan again?" Scott looked at me and smiled. "We get Lydia and Stiles in this triple date..."
"We get rid of their dates"
"We get them drunk"
"We get them into that old clock shop"
"We get them to work out their feeling and get back together and live happily ever after."
"Almost check."
Scott turned to me. "This is going to work. I know it will"
(Stiles POV)
I wasn't too sure where I was. Maybe...1962? Could be. "How did we get to this time machine?" I asked the fiery little angel who seemed just as confused as me. She turned to me. "I'm starting to remember" she took a few steps closer to me. I took a few steps closer to her until our bodies were leaning against each other. "I remember us. Kind of. We were like...lovey doveys." I tilted my head. "We were?" She looked me in the eyes and nodded. "I think" She looked down and bit her lip. Gosh she was pretty. Like a fairy unicorn princess. "I like fairy unicorn princesses" I whispered to her. "I broke my butt head." I frowned. "Why would I do that?" She groaned. "I don't know butt face but I don't really care. Thinking makes my brain go boom." I smiled. " you forgive me anyways?" She looked up and met my gaze. She seemed to be in a trance. I watched her vaguely nod. Her eyes were fixed on my lips. "Good" I whispered. "I would...I would want to forgive me. " She nodded again and wrapped her arms around my neck, without seeming to even realize she was doing it. I suddenly felt very sober. " you still want to be lovey doveys?" I whispered with full seriousness. I felt her giggle softly. She raised her eyes to meet mine. She nodded. I smiled and captured her pouty lips into a kiss.
(Scott and Kira POV)
"Yes! We did it Kira!"
*Kira erratically fangirls*
"Let's go get those drunkies before they hurt themselves"
She smiled at me and we linked arms, walking across the street to the clock shop.
(Lydia POV)
I kissed him back. I don't know why, but I just wanted to kiss him. He kissed me back so hard it hurt. I giggled. "Your hurting me Sti Sti." He smiled "Sorry" Suddenly the door flew open. "DINOSAURS!" I screamed and pointed at the two people that came in. Wow. I could really scream. "Dinosaurs?" Stiles asked. I nodded. The dinosaurs laughed. "Guys it's just us." I looked at Stiles and he shrugged. "Come on" the girl dinosaur said, linking arms with me. "Let's go home."

Sorry for not updating in a while but I'm back!

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