Chapter 13

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(Stiles POV)
We walked onto school campus hand in hand. People noticed immediately. Murmurs filled the air but we ignored them. "Wow people really seem to notice us" Lydia said, looking up at me with a concerned look on her face, as if unsure I liked the attention. "Good" I said and kissed her forehead. I suddenly spotted Scott and Kira. "Oh I see Scott. Let's go see their reactions." I said excitedly. She laughed. "You're such a dork. " I grinned. "Love it, you do." I said in my best yoda voice, setting her into another wave of laughed. We continued walking until I stopped short. "What's wrong?" I froze for a moment. "Oh you know it's just Malia kinda staring at us like she wants to murder you." Lydia followed my gaze. "Oh wow that's comforting." I turned to her. "Ok I'll go talk to Malia, you stay put. I don't want her you know..." I made clawing motions with hands. She nodded. I started walking towards Malia. I noticed her gaze never left Lydia. "Ok Malia I know this looks bad but-" I didn't get to finish. Before I even reached her she bolted towards Lydia, claws and fangs out.
(Lydia POV)
I froze in terror. Malia was running out me fast. I tried to move but I couldn't. Before I knew it she tackled me. I screamed. People started to gather around. "Really Lydia?!" She asked, still on top of me. "I get into one fight with Stiles and you're already all over him? You do realize he's my boyfriend right?" What was she talking about? "I thought you two broke up!" She furrowed her brows. "Why would you think that?" Now I was really confused. "Stiles told me so." She laughed. "Don't lie to me red." I struggled yet failed to get free. "Actually I'm strawberry blond." She growled. "That's it!" she shouted and scratched three lines into both my cheeks, like whiskers. I could feel blood begin to run out. Scott was soon there pulling Malia off me. I realized I had hit my head pretty hard when we fell. I soon slipped out of conciseness. The last thing I saw was Stiles picking me up.
I woke up in the nurses office. I could feel dried blood on my cheeks. I realized someone was wiping it off. Stiles. "Hey you're awake!" he said cheerfully. "Don't fancy yourself, I'm mad at you." He sighed. "Yeah you see, I don't have much experience with breakups, none actually, so apparently, Malia didn't break up with me. Upon seeing us together the day after our fight, her inner were-coyote was brought out in a deep way." he explained. Wow. Leave it to Stiles to not know whether he actually broke up with his girlfriend. I looked at him and half smiled. "Okay. You are forgiven" He smiled in relief. "Oh and just saying, I made sure me and Malia were actually broken up." I laughed. We started to kiss when Malia walked in. "I'm Stiles can you give us a minute?" she asked nervously. He looked at me, then back at her. "Are you sure you're not gonna carve some matching wolf ears on her? he said sarcastically. She vaguely nodded. As soon as he left, she began to speak, as did I. "I'm so sorry" we said in unison. She looked confused. "I'm sorry because I tackled you and carved whiskers into your face. What are you sorry for?" I looked her in the eye. "Malia, I straight up stole your boyfriend. That's like the worst thing a girl can do. But you need to know that if I had known you and Stiles were together, I never would have taken him from you. We never really planned this, it kinda just happened last night. Oh and don't worry about the whiskers, I can make them work." She smiled at that. "Stiles was kidding himself. He wasn't ready to move on from you. I just got in the way. But I guess now I'm over it."   I smiled at her. "Well I promise I will never run it in your face. And if you need a friend to talk about it with, I'm here." She looked at me. "I was wrong about you Lydia. You're so not a stuck up-self centered-boyfriend stealing-snobby-mean girl jerk face."
She laughed. What I mean is you're actually pretty cool." I smiled. "We good?" Yeah we're good" we were silent for a moment when I grinned.  "Hugs?" She raised her eyebrows. "Oh I'm not really the hugging type. " u grinned bigger. "Too late, coming in hot" I declared and pulled her into an embrace. She was stiff at first, then hugged me back. After a while I opened my eyes and saw Stiles leaning against the doorpost, watching us and smiling. He noticed me staring and winked.
I winked back.

Thanks so much for reading! Please comment what you think! I hope you're enjoying it!

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