Chapter 25

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Shoutout to the awesome people I chatted with on kik:)
(Lydia POV)
We ran to Deaton the next day. "We need your help!" Scott called. I was already starting to feel weak. Stiles helped me into the clinic. I noticed the full moon appearing, making me feel weaker. "Ok I hooked up a heart monitor and Im tracker her blood stream. We don't have much time before it runs out" Deaton said. I gulped. The room got darker and darker.
(Stiles POV)
I was flipping out. I could lose Lydia all over again. I noticed her beginning to breath heavily. I went over to assist her. "Lydia, you okay?" I asked, trying and failing to hide the extreme worry in my voice. "Yeah...I'm...I'm f-fine." She certainly didn't sound fine. "I'm just a little..." She was cut off by the sound of the heart monitor, indicating the wolfs blood ran out. She collapsed to the floor. "Lydia!" I yelled. I knelt down and held her body, much like when she died. She suddenly sprung up and slowly opened her eyes. Instead of her green eyes, they were pitch black all over. I jumped back, horrified. "Lydia, are you alright?" Deaton asked. She smirked. "Absolutely" she replied, cooly. She then blinked, and when she opened her eyes, they were her usual green. "Okay, conference, now!" Scott demanded and pushed us out into the hall. "You guys saw the black demon eyes too right?" Kira asked. We all nodded. "I've seen this before" Deaton spoke. "Remember when you, Scott, and Allison had that near death experience to locate the Nemetron?" he asked. "How could I forget. I got taken over by the nogitsune." Deaton nodded. "The nogitsune was able to get in your head because you had an open door in you mind. That happened from a near death experience. Lydia has had an actual death experience. This is bad news." I was shocked. "Are you saying she's posses by the nogitsune?" Deaton sighed. "Probably not the nogitsune. That takes over your mind, so it's still you in there, but you're being controlled. For a time, you were still stiles. But that-" he pointed to Lydia in the room. "That's not Lydia."
(Lydia POV)
I looked around the room. I had the strange urge to kill everyone. Everyone came back into the room, but it felt different. I didn't see them as my friends. I saw them as enemies. "Lydia? Are you in there?" Deaton asked. "I laughed. "Yeah, I'm right here." He shook his head. "No, I mean the real Lydia. Not you, whatever or whoever you are." I was shocked. How did they know? I laughed again. "That Lydia is long gone."
(Stile POV)
Oh god. That wasn't Lydia. She was a 5'3, green eyed, strawberry blonde demon. "Your Lydia is dead." She said sassily. I growled. I knew she was lying. Lydia couldn't be dead. She was in there somewhere. I was determined to find her. Suddenly Scott tackled her. "Get out of her!" He screamed. They began to fight. I ripped Scott off of her and pinned her to the ground. "Get out of her" I growled. "I am her" it said with a smirk. It's eyes went all black again. "You're not Lydia!" I yelled. "That's right! Lydia is dead. I took over this vessel." I glared at it. It could be telling the truth, but I need to know for real. "Lydia if your in there give us a sign!" Kira yelled. Suddenly, the demon under me whipped it's head around violently. It opened its eyes, they were green. She was crying. "Help me, please help me!" She said. Then it's head whipped around again. It's eyes were black. It growled. "Ugh! They always seem to get through." I was running out of ideas. "Scott what do I do?" He shook his head. "I don't know! Do something Lydia will feel or hear or see or something to bring big her back!" I turned back to the demon. "Ok Lydia. I know you're in there. I'm going to get you back." I made the quick and undecided move to kiss her. The demon began to jerk around wildly under me. It felt alien. Suddenly, it calmed down. I pulled away to see Lydia. Her eyes were green but full of horror. "What...the...heck...happened?"I breathed a sigh of relief. It was over. She was back. Everyone came over to us. "Stiles how did you do that?" I sighed. "I don't know. I just went with my gut." I awkwardly crawled off Lydia. She was breathing heavy. She looked at me. "Did I hurt anyone?" She asked, her voice trembling. "Well you and Scott had an epic battle." I said. She glanced up at Scott. "Did I hurt you?" He smiled. "Nah. No offense but it was like fighting a demonic kitten." He said. Lydia smiled.

Sorry for the short chapter. I'm not really sure what to write. Anyways I was talking to some awesome people on kik. Join us in #stydia or #stiles. I'm sami_oller. Thanks for reading and comment what you think!

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