Chapter 34

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(Lydia POV)
I was hurting. Everything with Stiles was just to confusing. I was lost in a sea of pain and love. Like a boat without an anchor. I was perfectly fine (despite dying inside) with ignoring Stiles until Scott and Kira had to go and mess us up. Suddenly, my phone lit up. Oh great. 23 missed calls from Stiles. All his unread texts went like this:
Please answer
We need to talk about last night!
Answer the damn phone
I didn't have anything to do with last night!
That's it
I'm going to go to your house and chuck pebbles at your window until to talk to me
That last text made my heart race. Was he coming here? I tried to get lost in the music.
"Do or die. You'll never make me. Because the world, will never take my heart."
I shut my eyes and sang along loudly. The lyrics hit me hard. I was practically screaming along.
"We'll carry on. We'll carry on. And in my heart I can't contain it. The anthem won't explain it!
The song ended and I slumped against my closet door. "I wish I could join the Black Parade" I said aloud. As if in a trance, I reached over and grabbed my razor blade. I took one out and examined it before dragging the cold, sharp metal along my pale skin. I kept going. Tears spilled over my eyes. I heard my name being called, but it was distant, probably in my imagination. "Lydia?" I heard again. This time, it was definitely not my imagination. "He said: will you, defeat them, your demons, and all the none believers, the plans that they have made..." I sang quietly to myself. I kept cutting. I knew it was too much, but I couldn't bring myself to stop. I let out a sob. "Because one day, I'll leave you a phantom, to lead you in the summer..." I sliced straight down my wrist. "To join the Black Parade" Then, it all went black.
(Stiles POV)
I called around her house. I couldn't find her. I made my way upstairs. I could hear her softly singing. It sounded like one of those emo songs she loved. I could hear her crying as well. I hesitated before going into her room. I knew she didn't want to see me, but we needed to talk. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain. It was like my heart shattered. Something was wrong. It was like a part of me was ripped out. Like a tether, was cut. An emotional tether. I burst into Lydia's room. "Oh god" I was too late.
(Lydia POV)
My eyes slowly opened. I was sitting in a golden throne. Allison was kneeling down in front of me. She was holding my arm and cleaning up my cuts. She wiped the blood away and bandaged my arms. I felt numb. She looked up and stared me in the eyes. "Nows not your time. But soon" I smiled at my best friend. "I love you Ally" She beamed. "I love you too" She leaned forward and kissed my forehead. I felt myself beginning to wake up.
My eyes fluttered open. I was sitting on the toilet lid and and Stiles was kneeling in front of me. He was kissing my forehead. I smiled. When he pulled back, he was surprised to see me awake. "You're alive!" he said with a huge grin and tears in his eyes. I nodded. Tears came to my eyes as well. "I am. I'm alive." I threw my arms around him. He froze, then hugged me back as tight as he could. My arms were bandaged up. When we pulled apart, Stiles put a hand on my shoulder and tilted my chin so our eyes locked. "I talked to Larissa. We decided you need help. Professional help. She signed you up for counseling." I nodded. His grip on my shoulder tightened. " have to promise me you won't do this anymore. I can't lose you. Not again. Not ever. You are worth more than you could ever dream. You think everyone hates you but in reality, they love you. Never think death is the way out. Life gets tough, I know. But I know you are stronger than you think. If you ever need to talk about your problems, I here" Stiles was so serious. I laughed softly. "To be honest, Stiles, most of the time, you cause my problems" He didn't respond for a while. He just stared at me with a blank look. "I'm going to fix you." I smiled. He grabbed my hand. "Come on. Time to get ready." I stood up and followed him to my room. "Ready for what? Where are we going?" He turned and smiled. "I'm taking you on a date, so you call feel like the pretty princess you are." I blushed. "Now, go get ready. I'm going home to get dressed and I'll pick you up in an hour." He left. I turned and walked into my room. Nothing could wipe the huge dorky smile off my face. Larissa came in. "Alright darling. Let's make you shine" I beamed. Tonight...would be...perfect.

I'll write about the date next chapter. Thanks so much for reading. The song at the beginning of this chapter is Miss. Jackson by Panic! At the Disco. The other song is Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance. Comment what you think!❤️

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