Chapter 21

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(Stiles POV)
I took no time to think. She was back. I began to run to get when she bolted into my arms, almost knocking me over. I was a little stunned at first, but then I hugged her back as hard as I possibly could. She squeezed me harder. "I missed you" I whispered. "I missed you more" she whispered back. I didn't want to let go, but eventually Scott broke us up. "Okay lovebirds, Scotty needs his hug too" Lydia giggled and flung her arms around him. When she released, we all looked at each other. "What now?" I asked. "Well" Lydia started, "I don't know about you guys, but I'm slightly naked and completely confused as to why I'm you know, alive, so let's go get clothes and then you two are gonna talk." We laughed.
(Lydia POV)
I tried to hide my surprise. Nothing made sense. I was supposed to be dead. All I remember was darkness, then seeing Allison take my hand and we walked up a long flight of glass stairs. "We're together again amicorum" she said. That means best friend in latin. I suddenly snapped back into reality. "Lydia? Did you hear me?" I shook my head. "No" "we asked if you wanted to go home." I shrugged. "Nah. I miss Larissa but, I think having your dead adopted daughter show up at you door at 12:00 at night might scare some people." Stiles laughed. "Good point. We can just crash at my place." It began to rain. "Oh no. We better hurry." We started walking to his jeep.
We all sat on Stiles bed. He kept looking at me, as if he wasn't sure I was real. "So Lydia, what it like being a werewolf now?" Scott asked. "A...what?" Scotts face fell. "You were a full on wolf before, and now you're a human. You're a were wolf now." I I looked at my hands and noticed claws. "Oh my god. I am a werewolf." I was stunned. "How did this happen?" I couldn't remember really anything since I changed. Everything before that was red and blurry. "Well, In order to bring you back, we injected wolfs blood into your heart, to heal you." I trembled. "Who's blood?" I whispered. Uh...Peters" Stiles said. Oh no. I was a werewolf, because of Peter! I despised Peter, and now I had his blood inside me. "Peter would help you without something in return. What did you give him?" Scott and Stiles looked at each other. "What was it?!" Scott sighed. "We said he could train you. To you know master your new abilities. " I couldn't believe this. They gave me away to Peter. "Did I kill anyone?" I asked. "You don't remember? You killed that alpha that attacked us." I shook. "I'm a monster. " I whispered. "You're not a monster, you're a werewolf!" I glanced up at him. "A werewolf who killed someone!" I looked down. "I'm a monster" I screamed and ran out the window, into the pouring rain, heading for the school.
(Stiles POV)
Oh god. I just got Lydia back and now I lost her again. "We have to go after her!" I yelled. Scott nodded, still staring at the window. "Yeah I'll track her scent.
"I thinks she's at the school!" Scott yelled. I turned. "Okay we're almost there. But let's calm down, she's okay." Scott nodded and blew out a breath. " you think she still likes me?" I asked. "Dude, she jumped in front of a bullet for you. I'm pretty sure she's still into you." I smiled. "I hope. I miss he so much and now that she's back-" I stopped and thought of Allison. Scott would never know what it was like to regain your true love. We suddenly pulled into the school. "I think I see her!" We got out of the car and chased Lydia for the second time that night. "Scott, wait up. You hold back okay? I just need to talk to her" Scott nodded and I kept running. "Lydia wait!" She stopped in her tracks and turned to me. She was in that state, where you're half werewolf, half human. I reached her and looked her in the eyes. She stared back, her eyes looked heartbroken. She suddenly turned her face. "Don't look at me Stiles. I'm a monster." I sighed and reached out to take her face on my hands. "You're not a monster" I whispered. And I placed a kiss on her lips. I felt her fangs slowly disappear. I pulled away to see s normal Lydia, soaked from the rain. She looked beautiful, her hair all wet and tangled, eyelashes with little rain drops on them. "You still love me?" she whispered. I smirked. "Since the third fricking grade."

I'm sorry this chapter is so cheesy😁 Anyway please check out my YouTube channel I'm Sami Cordeiro. And follow my insta @sami_oller. Comment on my pictures there if you read my story. Thanks so much for reading and comment what you think!

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