Chapter 33

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(Lydia POV)
"I can't believe I agreed to this."
I stared at myself in the mirror. Kira zipped my simple black dress. It fit my every curve, and paired with my piercing green eyes, I looked enchanting. Although Kira had worked her magic little fingers to make me look stunning, I still didn't want to go. I was going on a double date, well, more like a triple date. Kira with Scott, Stiles with Malia, me with Shawn.
I walked into school with my head down. I tried my best to avoid Stiles. I didn't know what we were at the moment. It was all too confusing. I was putting books in my locker when I heard a voice behind me. "Oh my god I love your skirt!" I spun around to see a shortish boy with tousled brown hair. He had on a tight collared button down with short, tight sleeves and skinny jeans. I smiled at him. "Thanks. It's..." he cut me off. "From the Chanel spring collection." he finished for me. I studied him over. A cute, well dressed boy into fashion. Interesting. "And this top..." he reached out and put a hand on my shoulder so he could get a better look of my lavender blouse. "Alexander McQueen at its finest" he muttered. He then looked up at me. "I like your taste red. I like it a lot." I blushed. Shawn glanced into my locker. "Wow. All these textbooks are for advanced classes. A gorgeous girl with great taste and a big brain. I like you." I beamed at him. "You're not to shabby yourself." He grinned. "Now does this modern day Audrey Hepburn have a name?" I extended my hand out. "Yes. Lydia. Lydia Martin." He took my hand and kissed it while bowing down a bit. "Well my lady, my name is Shawn." Suddenly the bell rang. "May I escort you to class?" I blushed. "You may."
(Present Time)
Shawn and I had become great friends. I was the first person he came out to. I was used to having gay friends, but Shawn was different. I felt like I could tell him anything. That's why, when Kira suggested a triple date, I asked Shawn to go with me. It still hurt that Stiles asked MALIA, actually, MALIA asked Stiles and would not take no for an answer. "Let's do this I guess" I sighed and walked towards the door. "Come on! Try to have a little fun!" Kira said while nudging me.
(Stiles POV)
We arrived at the restaurant a little late. Malia took forever to get ready. We walked in and spotted the pack. Malia tried to hold my hand but I quickly reached up and waved to Lydia. Oh god. Lydia looked like a dream and a nightmare twisted into one. Like a fallen angle. A guilty pleasure in the flesh. I couldn't take my eyes off her. She noticed me staring and blushed. She gave me a flirty wave. I returned the blush. Suddenly the new boy at school came out of the bathroom and sat next to her. "So that's her date" I thought. I saw them hanging out together for a while. I assumed they were friends. "Hey babes" Shawn said, kissing Lydia on the cheek. She blushed. "Hey Shawny." Shawny! She had a nickname for him! Jealousy filled me. I sat next to Scott, directly across from Lydia. Malia sat on the other side of me. We ordered our meals and casually chatted. Suddenly, Lydia shivered.
(Lydia POV)
Of course I had to go sit under the vent. I hated being cold, and Stiles seemed to remember that. "Lyds you okay?" Shawn raised his eyebrow at Stiles's nickname for me. I shot him a look. "Yeah I'm just cold." Stiles didn't give it up. "Well do you want to switch seats with Malia?" I glanced over at Malia. She was eyeing Shawn. I wondered if she knew he was gay. Stiles certainly didn't know. His eyebrow twitched and he would scowl whenever he was jealous. "No I'm fine." Stiles looked at me. "You hate being cold when you eat" Shawn smirked. "Loverboy seems to know what he's talking about." My cheeks flamed red. "Shawn!" I whisper-yelled. He smirked again. "Switch your seat. I'll be fine with this lovely lady." He gestured towards Malia. She blushed. We got up and switched seats. "Well...this should be interesting." I stated. Stiles nodded.
Soon the food came. A plate of kale was placed in front of me and Stiles. "Stiles try the kale, you'll love it." Stiles tried to refuse but Malia kept insisting. "Fine" he grumbled. He took some onto his plate and put it in his mouth.
(Stiles POV)
Oh god. This kale was nasty. I managed a smile. "Good stuff" I said with a mouthful. Suddenly, I felt like I couldn't breath. Scratch that, I actually couldn't breath. I began to panic. "What's happening?!" Malia asked. Lydia looked horrified. "This kale must have been cooked in peanut oil. Stiles is allergic to peanut oil!" Everyone began to freak out. I stood up, gasping for air. "Well maybe we could call an..." Before Malia could finish, I felt a sharp prick in my thigh. I began to breath again. I glanced down and saw Lydia, injecting me with my EpiPen. She had pulled it out of her purse. Everyone stared at her in shock. She furrowed her brow. "What? I always carry Stiles's EpiPen in case he forgets his." Scott raised his eyebrows. Shawn looked at Lydis with administration. Kira was smirked. Malia stood up and bolted out of the restaurant. I was about to go after her, but Scott stopped me. "Wait, dude before you go get her, drink this." He handed me a glass of yellowish liquid. I shrugged and downed it. I left the restaurant and found Malia. "What's wrong?" I asked as I approached her. "She carries your Epipen. That's what wrong." I was about to speak but she cut me off. " I though you were over her
But clearly I was wrong." I sighed. Malia I'm..." "Don't apologize with Lydia in the background." I furrowed my brows and spun around. Behind me was a very worried looking Lydia. Her fiery hair was pulled into a high bun and just the perfect amount of lose curls fell out and framed her porcelain face. "I'm leaving" Malia announced. I heard her heels walk off. "Hey Lyds um...thanks for saving me back there. " She smiled. "Of course Stiles." She walked over to me. She stumbled a bit, like she was drunk. I realized I ft a bit drunk myself. "Stiles I still lo-" as if on cue, she passed out into Kira's arms. I blacked out and fell into Scott's arms.

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