Chapter 22

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"Oh Lyds" I whispered as I stood over her casket. She had on a black lace dress and her fiery hair has neatly curled and tumbled over her. She also was wearing her favorite hoodie, the one I gave her. Her face was pale. I should be here, not Lydia. I should be the one about to go 6ft deep into the ground. I was shot at, not her. I stifled a sob and walked over to Scott and Kira. "We have to make our speeches now." Kira said. I nodded.
Kira's speech:
"Lydia was my best friend. We only became really close after the passing of our other dear friend, Allison." Kira began to cry. "It's funny really. A while before she was shot, we were joking around, walking through the school. She went in the school to save me, despite her dad being in there. Anyway, we were cracking jokes and I thought to myself, "this is how we always are, joking and laughing, and this is how we'll always be." Little did I know, we weren't going to have an always. I wish I could've spoken to her, before she died, but she uses her last words to tell the boy she loved, that, well, she loved him. And she'll always love him. Even though she can't do always, because she's gone. She looked at me when she said this. "But you know what they say, good this always come to an end. Always." She wiped her tears. "But we'll always remember her. Always." She left the podium and sat down next to Scott, crying hysterically. He cried to as her wrapped his arms around her. I got up and walked to the podium.
Stiles Speech:
" Ok, um. I don't know how I can possibly say this without disappearing into a puddle of tears, but here I go. I loved Lydia. I loved he since Scott pushed me off the jungle gym in third grade, and she came to help me. She sat with me until a teacher came, and later that day, she asked if I was okay. At that moment I just kinda knew I loved this strawberry blond nutjob. Everyday I fell a little more in love with her. I know that sounds cliche, but she was cliche, at least on the outside. I was lucky enough to get to know the real Lydia Martin. She wasn't this snobby rich girl, she was a fighter. She fought her own battles, and even her sisters." Miri let out a son from the crowd. "If only I knew what she was going though sooner, I could've helped her. Anyone could've helped her, but she was brave and kept quiet. I can really believe she's gone. I was also lucky enough, to love this girl. We were completely and utterly in love, until I messed it up. I was blackmail and made some bad choices. I broke her heart. And yet, when she saw a gun pointed at me, she jumped in front." I realized I was crying. "Loving her was the greatest thing that ever happened to this town since the birth of Lydia Martin" I said in a sob, quoting myself from the earlier days, when it was simpler. "I miss her and I love her, and I'd give anything, anything to have her back. But she's with Allison now. She's with the only other person she's really ever loved. But I'm left here today without mine. I remember once when I was little, I asked my dad my the best people have to die. He said "because, when you're in a garden of flowers, you pick the prettiest ones"That saying just reminds me of her. Thank you" I wiped my tears and walked down. I say in a chair and stared at her casket. "I'm so sorry Martin" I whispered.
Miri's speech:
"Lydia and I never really got along. I used to blame her for our mother dying. But I wish I hadn't. We had an awful dad, who is the reason Lydia we're all here today. Lydia had it really hard. I just wish I was nicer. I was never there for her. When we moved into Larissa's house, things were better. We got along. But one day, I was playing x-box, and she asked me to five her a hug. I refused. She kept asking me until she finally gave up. Later I heard her call down that she loved me. Little did I know, she tried to kill herself. She probably wouldn't have done it if I hugged her. Sometimes you just need a friend or a hug to stop you from doing the unthinkable. But I refused her. I...I can't" Miri said and ran off somewhere. Larissa went after her.
I walked over to Lydia's casket. She looked peaceful. "I'm so sorry Martin" I whispered again. I reached down and completed her outfit but adding her necklace with Allison's arrow around her neck. I bent down and kissed her cheek, knowing that would be the last time I saw her. That terrified me. I noticed Scott standing above me. "C'mon buddy. We're all going to Lydia's house." I nodded and followed him.
Once at Lydia's house, I stayed quiet. I didn't really want to talk to anyone. I just watched the live of my life get buried. I walked up to Lydia's room. So many memories came flooding back. When she was drugged and we had and interesting conversation, when I followed her into her room without realizing, how when we dated, she used to FaceTime me in the morning to see if I liked her outfit. "Okay" she said. Your old hoodie or my jean jacket?" I looked at her. She had the gray hoodie I once gave her when she was cold. I didn't know she kept it. "Go with the hoodie" I said. "Why?" She asked. I blushed. "Because check the label" she did. "It just says Property of Stiles Stilinski." I smiled. "I know. You're mine now, and I want everyone to know." It was her turn to blush. "I like that. I'm wearing it" she put it on and smiled. "See you soon Stilinski" she said. "See you soon Martin" I smiled at the memory. Suddenly Miri came in. Her eyes were puffy. "Hey Stiles. Lydia wanted me to give you this." She handed me a letter and a small box. I looked at her confused, but she was in no mood to talk. When she left, I opened the box. Inside was a drawing of her tree, compressed in and oval glass around a black band. She had made me a necklace with her drawing, the one I loved. I blushed and put it on, never wanting to take it off. I looked down at the letter and opened it.
It said:
Dear Stiles,
I made you this as a little present for our one month anniversary. Cheesy I know. I wanted to make sure I gave it to you, before I go. You see Stiles, I can't be sure, but I think your name being whispered in my head, ever so softly. That would mean Stiles, that you're going to die. But you know I'd never let that happen. So I'm telling you this here, if I'm gone now, just know I love you, I always loved you and I'll always love you. I'd never regret saving you. I know I won't. I'm about to go to your house to apologize and warn you. Oh my god. So Lydia knew I might die. That's what she wanted to tell me that day, the day she died. She already knew she would sacrifice herself for me. I kept reading. Maybe neither of us will die. That's what I'm hoping for because I miss you and I just want you back. But if I die saving you, know I died happy. So if I've left you and you're reading this note, always remember: I love you, I don't regret loving you, I'd never regret dying for you, hold your breath when you have panic attacks, and don't date Malia or I'll rain my wrath upon you both (jk)
I love you,
I regret nothing,
Always yours,
I closed the letter and wiped my tears away. I would hold on to this forever, my little piece of her. I loved what she wrote at the bottom. It was a beautiful reassurance. I smiled and went downstairs, wanting to be around people.

Sorry for the long chapter. This is a flashback from Lydia's funeral. I threw in a bunch of The Fault In Our Stars. I adored that book. Thanks again for reading and comment what you think!

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