Chapter 20

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(Stiles POV)
It's been three months since Lydia died. It still hurt everyday. Part of me knew I had to accept she was gone, the other part never would. After an eternity of sulking, I got to thinking. Peter and Kate both came back to life, as or already being a wear wolf. Maybe, just maybe, I could bring her back.
"That's insane." Scott said. "It won't work unless it's with compatible blood, and my blood compatible." I but my lip. "Please Scott. I can't do this anymore. I need her back. Don't you think if there was anything I could do to bring Allison back I would do it in a heartbeat? For you, so please do this for me." Scott sighed. "My blood won't work." I shut my eyes to think. "Wait! Remember when Peter but her, but she didn't turn? She just became in touch with her inner banshee. Maybe if we use his blood, we could-" Scott nodded, cutting me off. "You know what? You're right. It's worth a shot. I mean, she can't end up more dead." I smiled. "Let's go find Peter."
(Peter POV)
"You want my what?" Scott and Stiles sighed. "We want your blood. We think it can bring Lydia back. " I smirked. "Still haven't gotten over her have you Stiles? You really want to bring her back from the dead?" He nodded. "I need her. " I sighed. "No." I stated. They groaned. "Why not?" I sighed. "I think if little red took a bullet for a boy who broke her, she probably wants to stay dead." Stiles was dumbfounded. "Peter please help us bring her back. She brought you back to life remember?" I suddenly remembered brainwashing her to do that. "Fine. I'll bring the little screamer back." I smirked. "Under one condition. You boys let me train her."
(Stiles POV)
"You sure this is going to work?" Scott asked. "No" I admitted. "But it's worth it. She's worth it. " Scott nodded. Melissa (Mcall) pulled out a syringe full of Peters blood. "Ok" she whispered "here we go." With that, she injected it right into Lydia's heart. Melissa smiled. "Scott, let's leave Stiles alone for a moment" and they left the room. I pulled up a chair and held Lydia's hand. It was ice cold. I hadn't see. Her face since the funeral. She looked peaceful. "Please let this work." I whispered and left.
"Run!" Scott screamed. We dashed into the elevator. "What was that?" I asked. " I think it was an alpha." he replied. We navigated through the hospital and cleared everyone out. This thing was big and angry. It chased us all around the building, until it cornered us outside the morgue. "Scott, what do we do?" I whispered. "I don't know. I'm don't think I'm strong enough to fight this thing. Suddenly the alpha burst into the room. It was about to pounce on us when something came from above us and tackled it. It was a wolf. "Run!" We heard it say. So this was a werewolf. "Now!" It growled. Scott and I dashed out of there. We soon exited the building. "Let's wait to see who that was" he said breathlessly. I nodded. Soon, the wolf came out, covered in blood. "Hey, who are you?" Scott asked. The wolf looked at us, a look a horror, shock, and surprise in its eyes. Suddenly, it bolted off into the woods. Scott ran after it. I bolted to my jeep and tracked Scott's phone.
(Scott POV)
"Wait!" I screamed after the wolf. I chased it deep into the woods. Every once in a while, it would turn and look at me. I saw something familiar in its eyes. I just couldn't figure out what.
(Stiles POV)
I dialed Scotts number. " Did you catch it?" I heard him breathing heavily. "Not yet, but I'm catching up to it." I bit my lip. "Okay. I'm tracking your phone. Once you catch it, yell or something so I can find you." I kept driving. I noticed something moving far up. It was Scott and the wolf. I parked the car and ran.
(Scott POV)
"Wait up! I'm not going to hurt you!" I screamed. Suddenly it stopped. It looked me right In the eye. I slowly walked up to it. "I'm not going to hurt you, just change so I can see who you are." It didn't move. I glowed my eyes red and it whimpered, bowing down. "Change" I growled. "CHANGE!" The wolf bowed it's head, and I watched it morph into a human. "Oh my god" I breathed.
(Stiles POV)
I heard my phone ring. "Scott did you catch it?" "Yeah" he said, he sounded shakey." I um caught it. "Well who is it?" He sighed. "You need to see for yourself. I pulled out my tracker and continued walking. I soon spotted Scott. "Scott, who was the-" I stopped short when I saw someone else. They were naked,as a wolf would be,but had Scotts hoodie wrapped completely around them. They were shortish, and had messed up hair. They were turned around, but I knew exactly who it was. I almost burst into tears. "Lydia."

That's chapter 20!! Thanks so much for reading! Comment what you think. I'll be posted no again soon.

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