Chapter 19

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(Stiles POV)
I opened my eyes. In the distance I heard police sirens. I realized Lydia was on top of me. I gently pushed her off and looked at my shirt. It had a giant blood stain. I gasped and lifted my shirt, but there was no wound. Next to me, Lydia stirred. I looked over at her in horror as I realized what happened. Lydia took the bullet for me.
(Lydia POV)
Everything hurt. I felt myself slowly roll off of Stiles and onto the ground. I used all my strength to move a little. I felt him pull me into his lap. I felt a little stronger now. His eyes were full of fear.
(Stiles POV)
I looked into Lydia's eyes. "Lydia no, no why...why would you do that?" I was horrified. "Because" she spoke, her voice horse. "I heard the voices. They said you were going to die. It was going to be me or you, so I made it me." I couldn't believe it. "Why?" I asked, practically whispering. "Because I'd rather die, than lose you." She continued. " It's okay Stiles. This is okay." I looked at her bewildered. "No it's not! You're dying! This is goodbye. "
Tears slid down my cheeks. I couldn't lose Lydia. Not after everything we've gone through. "Death is not forever, death is not the end. It's just a "see you later", until we meet again." she quoted a poem we had made fun of from English. Lydia, the one who would make jokes on her death bed. "You know why it's okay?" she asked. "Because my deathbed is in your arms. My favorite place to be." She was crying now as well. "'ll tell Miri I love
her. And Kira, and Scott and Larissa." Blood was on her lips now. "And you. I love you...St-Stiles Stilinski. You and your whole stupid name" I managed a laugh. She reached up and brushed my cheek. "I love you Stilinski" she said with a smile. "I love you Martin" Her eyes closed, and her hand left my cheek, hitting the ground with a thud. I screamed in agony. I lost her. She sacrificed herself, for me! Me, after I broke her heart. Scott and Kira watched nearby, knowing not to come near me. "I lost Lydia" I spoke, mostly to myself. "I lost my anchor."
I sat there for awhile with Lydia's body. I could look or speak to anyone. I just sat there, cradling her dead body. My dad soon came over to me. "Stiles? Who are you-" he stopped when he realized who I was holding. "Lydia?" he whispered. I nodded. "Her dad shot at me. She took the bullet." I said the last part mostly to myself. I couldn't accept the fact that she had done this. "Stiles I'm so sorry. I know she meant a lot to you. But you got to get up. She would've wanted you to not sit there for an hour, hugging a dead body." I began to realize how strange I must look. My dad bent down and took her body. I watched as he gave it to an officer, to be put in the morgue. Scott and Kira came over and say on either side of me. Kira looked utterly broken. Scott looked like he was in disbelief. My patted my back and Kira put her head in my shoulder. "We'll get through this" Scott said. "For Lydia." We all looked at each other and said in unison: "for Lydia. "

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