Chapter 36

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(Lydia POV)
"Good God darling"
Here I was. Sitting, bored out of my mind, being told what every therapist had to say: "you're just depressed" Only thing time, I seem to have a diagnosis. "Lydia, sweetie, this isn't just depression. You have an acute case of Atelophobia and you're a major Eccedentesiast." I furrowed my brows. "English please?" She sighed. "Atelophobia is the fear of imperfection. The fear of never being good enough. And an Eccedentesiast is someone who hides pain behind a smile." I blinked. "Well that about sums me up completely." The therapist gave me a sad smile. " I just don't get it Lydia. You seemed fine." I sighed. "Ah, see, there's that word "seemed". Yes, I may have "seemed" fine, and yes, there may be a smile on my face each passing day, or a wave hello in the halls; but I can guarantee you with every inch of flesh in my being that there was absolutely nothing "fine" about me. Seemed is a tricky word you see, because things aren't exactly how they "seemed" to be." I was given another blank stare. "Okay Lydia. I'm going to prescribe you some medication. These are commonly know as "Happy Pills". You may have heard of them." She handed me a small pill bottle. I got up to leave but she stopped me. "And, in case it crossed your mind, these are impossible to overdose on." I smirked. "Young Bloods always find a way" I called as I sashayed down the hall.
Pill time.
I popped three bright yellow "Happy Pills" into my mouth. It wasn't long before I felt woozy. "Hello?" I heard. Scott had come over to take care of me. "In the kiiiiiiitchen" I called. Scott came in and found me laying on the floor. He laughed. "Ugh Lyds? This is the living room." I waved my hand dismissively. "Potato, tomato." Scott laughed again. "So how was your date with Stiles yesterday?" Yesterday had been the most magical night of my life. Stiles was an absolute gentleman and Larissa helped me look gorgeous. "It involved Stiles in a tux, how do you think it was?" I joked. Stiles Stilinski in a tux could take anyone's breath away. I got up and leaned into Scott. "Your jawline is uneven. It like if the little jawline travelers were hiking on your jawline, they'd all fall off and die." I accompanied my random nonsense babbling with equally random hand motions. Then I almost fell over just standing there. Scott caught me and burst out laughing. "Jesus Lydia how high are you?"
He laughed again. "No like what is in those pills? You're totally crazy!" I smiled. "Oh whale" I said shrugging over exaggeratedly. Scott changed the subject. "So how are you and Stiles?" I flopped onto the sofa. "We good homie." Scott sat down next to me. "You are so crazed right now." I stared at him. "Juuuuuuust a little" and then I passed out.

Slightly Broken~ A stydia storyWhere stories live. Discover now