Chapter 29

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"Lydia Martin"
"Skinny Love"
"Wow that's a pretty tough song. A lot of heart behind. Any particular reason you chose it?"
"Any particular reason you're getting on my nerves? And yes, I'm singing it because it reminds me of the tragedy that is my love life." He looked at me with an I-really-don't-care look then turned back down to his papers.
I sighed. "Male"
He looked up at me, scanned my dress, and then down at his papers.
"You're clearly a female"
"And you clearly didn't need to ask that question"
He sighed. "It's required by law. Now go to your dressing room until you're called"
I walked back to my dressing room. I began to fix myself up. I had on a short black dress with a flouncy skirt. The back was open but had an outline of lace all around. My sleeves were short and also lace. Larissa thought it would be a good idea to make lace kind of like my trade mark. My hair was pinned up but had little curls falling out in certain places. I heard a knock at my door. "Ms. Martin? You're on in 5" I walked to the waited area. The boy on now was playing the violin. It calmed me. I heard my name and walked onto the stage. I sat down on the piano bench. My hands were trembling. I searched for something to focus on in the crowd. Then I saw him.
(Stiles POV)
I knew I had to be there for Lydia. She hadn't spoken to me since our fight last month, but she needed someone there for her. I stood in the back and hoped she would see me. Her eyes scanned the crowd. She was trembling until her gaze fell on me. She pressed her lips together and turned to face the music. A soft melody began to play.
"Come on Skinny love just last the year"
All her nerves seemed to melt away as she melted into the song. She kept singing in a high octave.
"My my my, my my my, Muh muh my my. Right at this moment this orders tall"
She pressed harder in the piano keys. I saw true feeling in her eyes. This song was from her heart.
"And I told you to be patient, and I told you to be fine. And I told to be balanced, and I told you to be kind."
I began to realize why she chose this song. It was about us.
"Come on Skinny Love what happened here?"
Her eyes fell on me again. Tears were falling. She was completely lost in the song, lost in her own heartbreak. Maybe I shouldn't have come. She seemed so passionate up there. You can't sing like that unless you've gone through what you're singing about.
"Who will love you..."
"Who will fight..."
"Who will fall...far behind..."
She seemed almost angry now. She was pouring her heart out, the heart that I broke.
"Come on skinny love...!
She played a piano solo. The crowd clapped, once she finished, she was brought back to being Lydia. It was like she's a different person when she performs. She smiled widely as the crowd gave her a standing ovation.
(Lydia POV)
There is was again. That amazing feeling. I walked into my dressing room and grinned. I just couldn't stop smiling. Then Stiles came into my room. "Oh are you here to criticize my latest performance? Good luck putting me down, I'm on cloud 9." He sighed. "Actually I came here to tell you you were amazing and that I miss you and I'm really sorry about last time" he cringed as he spoke. I sighed. "Whatever." He sighed. "Lydia please speak to me." I turned to face him. "I am speaking to you. What do you think I'm doing right now?" He sighed again. "No. You're just answering me in short little sentences and probably waiting for me to leave. I want you to really speak to me. We need to talk about our fight. We haven't spoken in a month and it's been torture." I bit my lip. "Being haunted in your dreams by your dead sister is torture. Knowing your best friend was just stabbed and you can't do anything about it is torture. Waiting until June for Season 5 is Torture (hehe😏) Being ignored by a girl is anything but torture."
(Stiles POV)
"You're not just a girl. You're my anchor. My soulmate. The other end of my emotional teacher-" She held up her hand. "I don't want to here your apologies or excuses Stiles! Just go! We don't exist anymore! Just stop!" She turned around. "See? This is the second you made me cry after I lived my dream. Finals is in 3 weeks. If you come, I will never forgive you. Leave." I held back tears. I can't keep doing this to her. I always ruin her moments. "I'm so sorry" I whispered. And ran out.
(Lydia POV)
I sat in my bed, clutching a pillow. Only he could do this to me. No one else got to me this way. I have no clue why, but some part of me knows I need Stiles. "It's so annoying!" I yelled out loud. I've fallen in love with my best friend. And best friends fight. But best friends can't stay mad at each too long. I miss him, but I also hate him. I will never understand love.

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