Chapter 6

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" I started when I was 13. I just felt so lonely all the time. I wanted to feel something different for a change. " I kept my eyes down, too ashamed to look at him. " So you chose pain. " he said. He looked so sad. " Yeah." Stiles then reached out and lifted my chin with two of his fingers. " Hey it's okay. Just please tell me why you do this." "Okay." I sighed. " The reason is, ever since my mom died in the plane crash, my dad has been miserable." I recalled the memory of the plane crash. Everyone on that plane died. Except me. " When I was 10, he started..." I trailed off. Should I tell him? Would he care? Would he tell his dad? If he tells his dad, my sister will get taken away and I'll have absolutely no family. But this was Stiles. I could trust him. "He started what?" Stiles asked. " He started abusing me." Stiles looked away, but I saw the pain in his eyes. After a while he spoke. "Miri too?" Miri was my little sister. She hated me because she thought I was to blame for the plane crashed. I still loved her though, more than anything. "No, he doesn't abuse Miri. I made a deal with him: he could do whatever he wants to me, and I won't tell the police or anyone, and he'd leave Miri alone."
Stiles looked shocked. "You made that deal? That's crazy! Why would you do that?" I was slightly angry now. " I did it for Miri! I never wanted her to go through the pain I go through. No one should, so I'm doing everything I can to keep one less person from it." I was crying now. "You want to know the real story Stiles?! My parents were obsessed with perfection. They wanted a perfect daughter. But no, I had to have red hair instead of blonde, and green eyes instead of blue. They always told me I was a mistake. That I never should have been born, so they had Miri. She's blonde but has green eyes, so they gave up. Said she was good enough. But they didn't want me. You know the reason why my mom and I were on that plane? She was going to visit the young doctor who she was having an affair with. She brought me along because he had a plan to get rid of me and make it look like a medical accident. We never made it though. The plan crashed and everyone died. Except me. I stood there screaming for hours, trying to wake someone up. But they never did. I had to walk miles through a highway and woods until I finally found a house. Derek's house. He drove me home. And sort of became a brother to me. But ever since, my dads been insane. He drinks and sells some sort of drugs. He takes his anger out on me." Stile's face was impossible to read. It was a mixture of so many emotions. " I'm so sorry Lydia. " He had tears in his eyes. "You need to tell someone. Tell my dad or the principal or someone who can do something. He should go to jail!" "I can't Stiles! If he's arrested, the state will take Miri away, and I'll have no family! My family sucks yeah but they're all I have." Stiles took me in his arms. " You should go through this alone. And you won't. I'm here for you. " I sobbed and hugged him back. "Please don't do anything. I know you want to help but you can't. If my dad knows you know about this, he'll hurt you, even kill you. And I can't let that happen. I won't let that happen. " He pulled me closer. "Come on, I'll drive you home." We walked to his jeep.
When we pulled up to my house, Stiles seemed hesitant. " I'll be fine" I assured him. " You better" We walked to my door and I started to unlock it but my dad pulled it open from the inside. "Where have you been? You're 43 minutes late!" I sighed. "Sorry dad I was talking to Stiles. We lost track of time. " He looked at Stiles but didn't say anything. I thanked Stiles and started to walk in but Stiles grabbed my arm. He looked at my dad, as if unsure he shouldn't me go in with him. " Are you sure you're gonna be okay?" Stiles looked worried. " I'll be okay. I promise." He was still nervous. My dad was a different story. "Does he know something?" I nearly peed my pants. "Uh oh" I thought. Stiles widened his eyes. "What? Me? Know something? No! I...I don't know anything. Nothing at all just...just um looking out for Lydia here." He said and patted me on the back. "Why are you looking out for her?" My dad was furious. He looked at me. "Did you tell him?!" A son escaped my mouth. "YOU PATHETIC LITTLE FREAK!" I started to tremble. " Stiles, run!" Stiles didn't budge. "Not if he's going to hurt you." My dad smiled a horribly evil smile. "Oh I'm not just going to hurt her. I'll torture her by putting her little boyfriend in danger too!" And with that, he grabbed me and Stiles and pulled us inside, locking the door behind him.

Comment what you think! So that's Lydia's home life. She has a little sister, abusive father, and dead mother. More on what happens later. I'll try to post soon. Thanks for reading!

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