Chapter 8

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(Lydia POV)
I kept my head down all day. It had been a brutal weekend. With my dad having even more of a reason to hurt me, he help nothing back. I spent hours on my makeup, trying to conceal my wounds. I chose a red lip color to cover up the cut, but no amount of concealer could cover my black eye, so I just wore sunglasses. I had on long pants and a sweatshirt, to cover all my bruises and scars. I knew I looked awful. The hardest part was avoiding Stiles. Every time I saw him, I bolted the other way. I was trying to blend in, go unnoticed as I walked down the hall. I glanced up in time to see Stiles coming my way. I froze. He already saw me. What do I do? As soon as he approaches me I turn and run like a spaz down the hall. I finally reach the chemistry classroom and lean against the door. "Subtly" I thought. I sighed and walked in. Mrs. Myers seemed to immediately notice me as I sat down. " Lydia, sweetie, no sunglasses in here. In against the schools dress code." My stomach dropped. "But-" I started. "No buts, take them off." My hands trembled as I slowly slid them off. "Lydia what happened to your eye?" Oh no. Mrs. Myers was suspicious. "Oh you know, just a um...lacrosse incident. " I stammered. "Lacrosse? You play?" Wow I'm bad at lying. "Um no I was just watching. " I could tell Mrs. Myers knew I was lying. "It's awfully hot out Lydia. Why are you wearing a sweatshirt?" I knew I had to get out of there. "Just because." She wasn't convinced. "Can I get a drink of water." I anxious to leave. She vaguely nodded. I slid on my sunglasses and was almost out the door when she grabbed my arm. I winced, it was right wear my dad hit me the most. I prayed Mrs. Myers wouldn't notice but she did. "Lydia take off your sweatshirt." Her voice was stern. "Mrs. Myers please don't make me" I whispered. "Take it off now!" I whimpered as I slowly unzipped my sweatshirt. "Now take it off." My hands trembled but I took it off, revealing bruises, cuts, and every scar my dad ever left. The whole class gasped. I couldn't move. "Oh Lydia!" Mrs. Myers gasped. "Who did this to you? Was it your dad? I've always seen him handle you rough. I should have know. " I could not believe what was happening. Now my whole class knew. It wasn't long before the whole school will know. I ran out of the classroom in tears. I bolted into the bathroom and pulled out a razor blade. This would not end well. If my dad found out, he'd kill me for sure. I'm practically already dead. "I'll just quicken the process" I thought as I began to cut. A sudden noise caused me to jump, accidentally making me cut too deep. "Oh no!" I grabbed my things and ran out of the bathroom, bleeding unconditionally. "No no no!" This can't be happening. I jumped in my car and drove home as fast as I could. When I pulled up, I ran inside, hoping to avoid my dad. I made it to my room before he saw me. Miri came in. "Hey Lydia why are you...OH MY GOD! You're arm!! What happened?!" The fact that she cared lightened my pain. I suddenly heard my dad hang up the phone. "WHATS THIS CALL I GET FROM YOUR SCHOOL SAYING YOU RAN HOME AFTER SOMEONE EXPOSED YOU? NOW THE PRINCIPLE AND POLICE ARE COMING. I SWEAR TO GOD ILL END YOU RIGHT HERE!" I ran to the kitchen, feeling an anxiety attack starting. My dad came in and I slid down the wall, still cradling my arm. "I can't fix this, I can't fix this!" I was in shock. Miri sat beside me, to protect me. "Dad please don't hurt her!" Miri sounded horrified. I just kept saying I couldn't fix it over and over. My dad pulled out of knife. He was about to struck me when Stiles barged in, his dad right behind him. "Put the knife down and your hands up!" Mr. Stilinski shouted. The knife clattered to the floor. I then fell over, feeling my body go into shock from blood loss.
(Stiles POV)
I was sitting in math when my phone buzzed. I heard a bunch of other phones ring as well. I looked at the message. It was a picture. I opened it and gasped. It was of Lydia, all bruised and beaten, standing next to Mrs. Myers. "Oh Lyds" I whispered. I could hear the murmurs of people who also received the picture. I quickly bolted out of my classroom.
I saw Lydia fall over. She was trembling and bleeding. "Someone call an ambulance!" I shouted. "On it!" Miri said from beside Lydia. I turned to see my dad shove Mr. Martin onto the table and handcuff him. "My son tells me you've been severely abusing your daughter." Mr. Martin growled. "Well, your daughter is good friends with my son, and that's just not going to happen." With that he shoved Mr. Martin to the police car. "She's safe now" I thought as the ambulance pulled away.
She's safe.  

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