Chapter 28

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(Stiles POV)
I was laying on Lydia's couch waiting for her to come back from the bathroom. We were having a little make up make out. Suddenly, Prada jumped up on me. "Um...hello" I said. It just stared at me. "So are you a girl or a boy? Cause I really don't feel like checking so if you could just give me some sort of sign-" The dog sneezed but never broke eye contact. "Yeah okay that was freaky." It growled. I laughed. "Ohhhhhhh. Are you jealous that Lydia has been spending all her time with me and not you?" The dog continued to growl. I sat up staid hot and Prada put its paws on my chest. "Well you'll have to get used to it. I'm the new boy in her life. Deal with it." I don't know why I liked taunting this dog so much. "Yep. I'm the only one who gets to kiss her." I flicked my tongue around at Prada. Prada did the same.
(Lydia POV)
I walked back into my living room and saw the weirdest thing. Stiles and Prada were having some sort of contest. They were both flicking their tongues around. "Stiles?" He stopped and looked up at me, shocked. "This...this is not what you think." I laughed. "It looks like you were about to French my dog." Prada jumped off Stiles and ran over to me. "You trying to steal my man?" I asked in a baby voice while petting her head. "Wait...its a girl?" I laughed again. "Nah I just named my manly little dog Prada for fun. Yes she's a girl" Stiles blushed. That would have been a good thing to know. "Yeah okay! Anyway..." I walked over to him. He swung his legs around and I sat next to him. Suddenly Larissa came in. "Big news!! Lydia my sweet today is your lucky day. You remember that snobby girl from the sound studio that's staring in our little show concert thing?" I groaned. "Ugh yeah I remember her. She always makes fun if my stage fright." Larissa laughed. "Well guess what? She fell down the stairs!" I sprung up. "That's horrible!" Larissa shrugged. "Well yeah for her maybe. She bed ridden for the next 6 months since she landed on her head. But anyway we need a new star so I signed you up immediately. You're going to solo!" My jaw dropped. "Larissa that's amazing! Not the bed ridden party but everything else! I'm going to be the star of our studio concert? That's huge. Only one problem." Larissa frowned. "What's that?" I sighed. "Remember? I have massive stage fright for large crowds. I can't sing up there. I'd puke." Larissa came over to me. Arial, this could be your chance to get noticed. So many music producers come to this thing. You can do this." She rubbed my shoulders. It felt so good to have someone believes in me. "What do you think hot pants?" She asked looking over at Stiles. "What...I'" He looked down at his mildly hot pants. "Well I think that Lydia can do it if she thinks she can" I blushed. "What do you say Arial?" I bit my lip. "I'll do it.
"I didn't realize the concert was tonight!" I stood in a dressing room as Larissa held up different dresses the my body. "Whoops forgot to mention that part. But you're always singing in the shower. Sing something that makes you happy." She then held up a gorgeous deep purple gown. It had long lace sleeves that hugged my arms like a second skin. A part at the bottom was just lace, then continued as a gown( Taylor Swift Blank space gown in purple) It was stunning. "Here. You put this in and I'll go set your lights." She left. I put on the beautiful dress but before I could look at myself in the mirror, Stiles came in. "Hey Lyds...whoa" He stares st my dead in shock. "You like?" I asked giving a little twirl. Stiles blinked and flushed. "'s really know it's..." he trailed off looking flustered. "Wow that must have been a mouthful" I joked. He smile and took my hands. "Okay if you start to feel stage fright, just look for me. I'll be watching you. Just pretend I'm the only one watching." I nodded. "Okay. But you have the leave. Someone's coming in to do my hair." He smiled. "Good luck!" He pecked my cheek. One he left, I decided it was time to see for myself what I looked like. I spun around and gasped. I looked...stunning. I never felt that way before, comfortable in my own skin. For the first time ever, I felt beautiful. It was like seeing yourself in a wedding dress for the first time. Breathtaking and memorable. I heard I knock at the door. I spun around to see Larissa, hold a white rose. "A certain boy told me you love white flowers, but you think of yourself as a rose. What's better than a combination of both?" She tucked the rose behind my ear and fixed my curls so that they fell into perfect loose strawberry blond waves. "There you go Arial. You look beautiful" She kissed my forehead. "Now, have you thought about what your going to sing?" I nodded. "I wanted something that reminded me of my journey. So I chose "Not About Angels". It speaks to me." Larissa smiled. Then you shall sing it." I smiled. "Let's do this"
(Stiles POV)
I waited by the back. The room was packed. All these people in search of the next big thing. I hoped it was Lydia. Suddenly my phone rang. "Scott what do you want?" I heard a laugh. "Hello to you too buddy" I groaned. "I don't have time for this, Lydia's about to go on" I stepped outside for a minute. "Look I just needed to warn you. Malias on her way to that show you're at. She's wants to win you back. No one told her you're with Lydia now." I bit my lip. "I can't believe this. When's she getting here?" Scott sighed. "I'm not sure but-" I heard a piano playing a soft melody. "Okay Lydias on bye!" I hung up.
(Lydia POV)
I sat down on the piano bench. I was shaking but I hoped no one would notice. I scanned the crowd for Stiles but didn't see him anywhere. I sighed and began to play.
"We know full well there's just time"
Okay good. First line out. I kept singing while searching with my eyes for Stiles. I suddenly spotted him. I felt much calmer and more powerful.
"If your heart was full of love..."
I noticed another familiar face. It was Malia. She reached out and touched Stiles. He jumped a bit but turned to face her. They talked for a minute before she pointed outside. He looked at me with a longing expression, then followed her outside.
"Don't give me up..."
I felt nervous again. Stiles left watching me for Malia.
"How unfair it's just out love...."
I tried to calm myself again. I focused on the judges. They seemed impressed. That calmed me down and I delivered my next line with total confidence.
"They will come, they will go, make us special...Don't give me up... don't give me up"
I sang that last note out strong and proud.
"Cause what about, what about Angels?"
Stiles reappeared in the door way. Malia was holding onto his arm. Normally, thise would upset me. But at that moment, I swear I was infinite. Nothing could bring me down from this cloud.
"It's not about, not about Angels. A-a-a-an-an-gels."
There. I did it. I conquered my fears. The crowd gave me a standing ovation. Nothing else in the world mattered. It was that amazing feeling. The feeling of assurance. Of knowing you made it. Of knowing what living a dream felt like. I was never in my life happier. This was it. My big moment. I smiled so much my cheeks hurt but I didn't care. I forgot about everything my parents ever said to me, every fight I had with my sister, every heartache, every lose. Those things didn't matter.
(Stiles POV)
"Malia let go!" I shook her off my arm. She growled. "You're still with her aren't you?" I sighed. "Yes. Now go away. If she's sees you-" "She already saw me. I was listening to her heartbeat. It was like an entire marching band until she saw us. It just, stopped beating for a second. You could practically hear her heartbreak." I looked at Malia. "No. You're lying." Malia smirked and shook her head. "I'll leave now, but don't be surprised if she dumps you tonight." She walked away. I ran to Lydia's dressing room. She was sitting in her chair, watching a recording of her performance. "Um...hey Lydia" She looked up at me. "Hi" she said weakly. Then she glanced back down at the tape and smiled. "I saw you with Malia. But, I just lived my dream. Nothing can make me upset right now. So hurry up with your apologies and excuses before the heartbreak kicks in." I sighed. "There's nothing going on between me and Malia" Lydia laughed. "I've heard that one before." I bit my lip. "Let's talk about this later. You were great out there." She looked up at me. "Really? I didn't think you would be able to tell since you missed most of it. You left during the biggest moment of my life. I actually think I did well. You wouldn't know though. I mean, I could make it to the finals. I could win this thing!" She was still way to excited. I laughed softly. "Lyds, come on. This is one of the highest singing competitions in this town. I mean, they could have absolutely anyone so-" She stood up. "So why would they pick me? That's what you were gonna say wasn't it?" She was angry. "Well yeah but Lyds I didn't mean it like that-" She held up her hand. "You can't do this to me Stiles. You can't keep doing this. We're finally back to being happy again after the last time I caught you with Malia, and now you go and do the same thing over again. How did she even know we were here? Ugh that doesn't matter. What's matters is you think you can leave during the most important moment of my life to be with some girl, and then come in here and tell me I can't make it. I finally felt like I could make it, and you have no right to crush my dreams like that. You just build my up and tear me down. It's what you do. It's what all guys do. And I'm sick of it! I can't do this anymore! I won't let myself continue to be hurt by some jerk who only pretends to care about me. We're done Stiles! You can let yourself out." She had tears in her eyes as she angrily plopped down in her chair, her back to me. I could tell she was crying. I had no clue what to say. I walked out in tears. Larissa was coming down the hall right as I was leaving. "Well hey there Stiles. What's wrong?" I wiped my tears and looked down. "I messed up...big time." Larissa sighed and rubbed my shoulders. "I don't know what's going on between you two, but I'm sure I'll get an ear full of it once I walk in there, but you'll figure it out. You always do." I looked up at her. "I'm not so sure this time." Larissa gave me a sad smile. "She'll come around. Lydia's not a girl who punishes herself. If she really loves you, she'll come back. And of you really love her, you'll be there first." I gave her a weak smile and walked out to my car. I just sat there and cried. I hadn't cried that hard since my mom died, or when Lydia died. I really couldn't believe myself. I knew I had lost her. All for Malia. I promised myself I would get revenge on Malis for messing up my chances with Lydia. "She'll pay" I whispered. "She'll pay"

I love "Not About Angels" buy Birdy, so that's why I choose it for Lydia to sing. I think this will be the last breakup, unless there's never a makeup😳 thanks for reading and these are my social media sights:
Insta- Sami_oller
Kik- Sami_oller
YouTube- Sami Cordeiro
Comment on any of these if you've read my story and I'll follow you. Thanks for reading. Bye❤️

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