Chapter 26

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(Stiles POV)
I took Lydia to the flower shop. She wanted to visit Allison's grave so I suggested we bring flowers. I watched Lydia as she scanned the flowers. She was so focused on the beauty all around us, I was only focused on the one in front of me. "I can feel you staring Stilinski." She said without taking her eyes of the hanging flower baskets. I blushed. She held a beautiful white flower out to me. "I think we should get this one. It's so simply yet so beautiful. Like Allison" she beamed. "I wish I could be this way. So elegant and pure. It's stunning in every way. So simple, yet so incredulous. I wish I could be this simple, instead I'm more like a rose. A red beauty on the outside, but has thorns underneath. And the rose itself has a dark mysterious look to it. I would kill to be simple, like this white flower." I looked at her with content. She was still really hurting inside, and I knew I wasn't making her life any easier.
(Lydia POV)
A tear escaped my cheek. I hated to cry in front of people, especially boys. But I was at Allison's grave, a stone reminder than she was no longer with me. More tears fell. I missed her more than anything. Miri was buried somewhere nearby as well, but only Allison was on my mind. "Stiles, I miss her so much. Why did she have to leave?" He pulled me into his arms and kissed my forehead. "Because in flower garden, the prettiest ones are always picked first. We're gods flower garden." I stiles a laugh. "Wow. That was like straight up something Oprah would say." He laughed to. "I may or may not have stolen it from her." I smiled. "Remember when our lives were simple? Scott wasn't bitten, I wasn't screaming left and right, Allison wasn't...well, wearing her wings, not on the outside at least. I wish we could go back to that." Stiles sighed. "I don't." I looked up at him. "Why not?" He bit his lip. "Because then, when it was simple, you were always ignoring me and being beaten. We've lost some good people along the way, but things are better now. Even the bravest hero, loses hope.(motel California)Even the selfless can't save everyone.(finds bodies too late) Even the good one goes bad.( nogitsune) And even the bravest hunter, dies. (Allison)" I hugged Stiles tighter. He was so wise. "I just want my best friend back." I whispered. I then cleared. My throat. "Stiles, can you give me a minute alone with Allison?" He nodded and walked back to his jeep. I sat down and placed the white flower at her head stone. "You know Ally, without you, I haven't really know what do do lately. I don't think I can do this whole life thing without you. I've been so confused and lost. And you know people say "follow your heart", but, when your hearts in a million pieces, which part do you follow?" I wiped my tears. "I'm a banshee so I'm going to give this s shot. Ally, if you can hear me, give me a sign." Shut my eyes and listened. I picked my necklace up from sting my neck, held it to my ear, and listened. I suddenly heard it. "I promise one day...I'll come back...for you." It was faint and barely there, but I heard it. I Vegas to cry hysterically. "I'll be waiting. Don't you worry. I'll wait forever. " I sobbed. I leaned over and gave her grave a little kiss, then walked to stiles car. I had heard from her, and that was enough.
I heard my doorbell ring from downstairs. I smoothed my pajamas and went to answer it. It was Stiles. He looked upset. "Stiles what's wrong?" Tears were in his eyes. "Me, I'm wrong. We're wrong." I looked at him confused. "What do you-" he cut me off and held out a white flower, the simple yet beautiful one. "You just want your life to be simple, and I don't help with that. If anything, I make it crazier. I heard about what Malia does to you. I know she beats you up over me." Oh god. How did he know? "I don't want to make your life crazy. I want it to be simple. Like the flower. So I'm going to let you go. " his voice cracked on that last part. "I love you, so I need to let you go." He said. I was stunned. I had no clue how to respond. He looked down and shook his head. " See? Look what I do to you." He then ran away, leaving me speechless.

The video above is from my YouTube channel. Look me up I'm Sami Cordeiro. I'm singing Part of Your World since Lydia is Arial. I hope you like it. Anyway thanks for reading and comment what you think!

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