Chapter 11

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(Lydia POV)
"What do the different color strings mean?" I asked. I was laying on his bed, with my head in my hands, staring at his wall of craziness. "They're just for different stages of the investigation." Stiles replied. "Green is solved,yellow is to be determined, blue is just pretty." he continued. I laughed at that. "What does red mean?" He sighed. "Unsolved." I furrowed my eyebrows. "You only have red on the board." "Yes I'm aware of that thank you." I laughed. "You're so sassy." He turned and smiled at me. "Yeah well." He then knelt down, right near my face and watched me as I tied a red string around my finger. "What are you doing?" he asked. "It's the red string of fate" I replied. "According to the myth, God ties a red cord around the ankles of those that are to meet one another in a certain situation or help each other in a certain way." Stiles was lost in thought. "Kinda like how I helped you with your family" he said after a while. "Yeah, kinda like that." We were quiet again. I broke the trance and continued. "The two people connected by the red thread are destined to be lovers, or at least great friends, regardless of time, place, or circumstance. " I finished. We were quiet again.
"Lydia I love you"
"No" he held up a hand. "Let me say this, please."
He continued, "I love you. And I know that's probably hard to believe after everything that's I've done. I've been a jerk and ignored you, but you need to know my feelings, what I felt for you, they never left."
I was crying now. In total shock.
"And I know you think I deserve the world, but I certainly don't want it I just want you"
Oh god. He had heard me that night with Kira.
"Also, despite what you think about yourself, I think your perfect. And you are definitely good enough for me. "
Tears were falling fast. Every word he said burned into my brain. I was never happier and would never be happier than at this moment. My face must have shown disbelief because he continued.
"Lydia Martin I've fallen so madly and deeply in love with you, it's terrifies me"
I wiped my tears and looked him in the eye.
"Yeah" I said. "I know the feeling"
With that, I leaned in and kissed him.

ERMEHGERD! The Stydia feels!!! I loved writing this chapter. I think that's exactly how Stiles would put it. I'll try to post the next chapter later tonight. Comment what you think and thanks so much for reading!

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