Chapter 15

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(Lydia POV)
I cried my eyes out. How could he? I was so heartbroken. I went to the one person I knew would listen. The only one who actually cares.
I drove to the cemetery and plopped down in front of her grave. "Hey ally. I miss much. So does Scott." Tears fell fast. "I have something to show you." I said and pulled a sliver arrow head on a string out from around my neck. I kept it hidden in my shirt. "After you died I went to where you were stabbed by the Oni. I found this on the ground. You saved Isaacs life by shooting at the Oni. I kept the arrowhead as a reminder. Not that is ever forget you." I toyed with the pendant. "You were the only one who understands. " I looked up. "Understood."
(Stiles POV)
"Malia I can't believe you!" Her smile faded. "Big deal you lost your girlfriend! Now we can be together"
I glared at her. "Seriously? You think I would ever date you after you caused the one girl I've ever loved to hate me!" She took a step back. "Stiles, I can't believe I'm saying this but u actually feel awful now." I kept glaring. "You should." She frowned. "No Stiles, I really mean it. You seem to really love her. I need to make this right." She left after that. I was still furious.
(Lydia POV)
I walked into my house and put my bag down. I saw Miri in the living room. "Hey Lyds" she said without looking up. I suddenly broke down into tears. "Lyds?" she asked, coming over to me. "What's wrong?" I sighed and wiped my tears. " Nothing" I said. There I go again, always hiding what I really feel. "I just need some rest." I walked into my room and sat on my bed. Tomorrow will be better. I hope.
(Malia POV)
"Everybody listen up!"
I stood in front of everyone on top of a car. "You guys need to understand that Lydia didn't steal Stiles from me." Everyone looked confused. "Yeah, um Stiles thought we broke up because I yelled at him for spending a lot of time with her, but I guess it was mostly when I saw him comforting her when she was crying about her dad." Whoops. Did I really just let that slip out? Oh no. I suddenly saw Lydia. She was walking to the building. Stiles was close behind her. He kept trying to talk to her but she just walked faster and ignored him. I was suddenly angry. "Yeah that's right. She was upset because her dad abuses her! Those bruise from that picture, all from her dad. She got them from saving Stiles after her dad tried to kill them both!" People were shocked now. I smiled. "Take that red"
(Lydia POV)
I was at my locked, putting books away when Scott came up to me. "Do you know what today is?" he asked. I nodded. It's the anniversary of Allison's death." He nodded back, tears in his eyes. "Here" I said, handing him a necklace. It was just like mine, with Allison's arrowhead at the end. "You made this for me?" he asked. "Of course. To match mine." I pulled mine out of my shirt. "To remember her." I said. "To remember her" he echoed. I suddenly couldn't take it. Tears formed in my eyes. Scott noticed and pulled me into a hug. We cried in each other's arms. "I miss her so much."
(Stiles POV)
"What do you think they're doing?" I asked as Kira and I watched Scott and Lydia hug in tears. "Who knows." She snapped her fingers. "Oh wait a minute! It's the anniversary of Allison's death." I winced at her name, knowing it was my fault she died. "I should go comfort Lydia" I said and walked over to her. "Hey Lydia you doing okay?" I asked, unsure of how she would act. "What do you want?" she replied cooly. Scott looked confused. Lydia looked at him and whispered the something in his ear. He looked shocked. "Stiles?" he looked at me for an explanation, but I had none. "Lydia I just wanted to check on you. Too you know, make sure you were alright." "I'm fine thank you" she said sarcastically. "Lydia please don't freeze me out! I know what I did was wrong but it was an accident!" She turned to face me. "Accident? Dropping something is an accident. Falling off your bike is an accident. Kissing your ex while in a relationship is just wrong!" She exclaimed, tears in her eyes. "Lydia please-" Scott cut me off. "Stiles I think you should go."
He put his hand on Lydia's back.
I gave him a look and left.

Thanks for reading! Goodnight.

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