Chapter 7

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(Stiles POV)
I woke up with a jolt. I couldn't remember anything at first, but then the memories came flooding back. The last thing I saw was Mr. Martin knocking Lydia out, then hitting me over the head. "Lydia?" My voice came out horse. I heard silent sobs near me. "I'm right here." She replied, her voice shaking. I realized  I was tied up to a pole, with Lydia on the other side. (like in the picture). "I'm so sorry Stiles. This is all my fault. I never should have dumped this on you. Now we're both in danger. " She sounded so sorrowful. " We'll be okay." I didn't even believe myself. "No." was all I heard her say back, before her dad came back in. "Well well well, looks like the little lovebirds realized what they've done." Lydia trembled. "Please...please dad, let us go. I'll never tell again and Stiles won't tell anyone. Just please...let us go." Her dad smiled. "I don't think so little red." Her voice came again: " Then please let him go" I couldn't believe it. Did Lydia even care what he would do to her? " No Lydia, I won't leave you." I told her. "I'll be right back" Mr. Martin said. Then he left. We were quiet for a minuet before Lydia spoke. "Stiles?" I tried my best to look at her. "Yes?" She whimpered. " I'm sorry it's taking us dying for me to say this, but I love you. " " I know you do." All I heard was a sob. "Good, good I'm glad you know."
(Lydia POV)
I couldn't believe what I got myself into. And not just me, but Stiles too! I put him in danger. But I promise, promise to myself that I will do anything I can to protect him. Suddenly my dad came back in. "Lydia, do you remember this?" He held a tape in his hand. "Of course I remember. You used to lock me in a closet and play that when I was "bad". " My dad smiled. "Stiles, stupid name by the way, when ever Lydia was annoying or in the way or, just plain Lydia, her mom and I would lock her in a closet of mirrors and play this tape. It's a recording of us yelling at her." I  gulped. "She's always hated it.  That's why I'm gonna play it." He put it in a stereo and sat back after pressing play.
(Stiles POV)
I listened to tape. At first it was quiet, but then the shouts came. Her parents held nothing back. They shouted everything the felt about her. It was awful. I kept hearing what Lydia told me they called her, a pathetic little freak. Next to me I heard Lydia start to cry. She tried to hide her sobs but failed. "Lydia don't listen to it." She kept crying. "HEY TURN IT OFF!" I shouted. Mr. Martin punched me. I fell over. " Don't hurt him! Please don't hurt him!" Lydia kept saying that over and over. "What are you going to do about it you pathetic...little...freak?"
(Lydia POV)
I was furious now. I couldn't stand to see  Stiles being hurt because of me. " Don't you dare hurt him." My dad smiled. You can't do anything! You think you're threatening! A five foot three little girl, tied up and crying, is going to hurt me?" He laughed and kicked me. I heard Stiles wince. " now that I know you care about this little spaz, I'm going to do more than hurt him." He pulled out a knife, and that was the last straw. "NO!" I shouted. "Don't hurt him! Kill me instead and let him go!" "Lydia no-" I turned my head around. "Shut up Stiles! I'm saving you so keep quiet. " My dad leaned in my face. "What's that red, what do you want me to do." I didn't care anymore. I won't let him hurt Stiles. "You can break my soul, take my life away, beat me, hurt me, even kill me. But for the love of God, don't...touch...him!" And with that I screamed so loud Asia could hear me. My dad jumped back and covered his ears, and took no time to think. I grabbed the knife and cut us free. Stiles took my hand and we bolted upstairs, my dad on out tails. I shoved Stiles out the door. "Run!" He once again wouldn't budge. My dad came up behind us. " Okay, you little punks win this time. But let's make ourselves another deal." He turned to me. "What do you say?" He smiled, knowing he was the real winner. I looked at Stiles. He almost died because of me, and I didn't want that to happen ever again. " Alright" I said. "You can do anything to me, just like I said downstairs, and I won't scream, tell, or fight back." Stiles started to protest but I stopped him. " As long as you promise never to hurt Stiles." My dad hesitated. "Okay fine. But if he tells, I'll kill him right in front of you." With that he disappeared inside. I turned to Stiles. "Go." "But Lydia-" I would let him finish. "Stiles you need to leave. What if my dad changes his mind? You need to leave and never come back. And stay away from me. That way, you'll be safe." Stiles looked heartbroken. "Lydia I can't let you do this." I started to tremble. " I can take it. But you can't. Stiles, you almost died in there. Because of me. And if you died or got hurt because of me, then I couldn't-" I trailed off.  " I could live with myself. Or live without you. " He gave me a longing look. " Stay away and you'll be safe." I turned around, unable to face the fact I was losing my Stiles for good now. "I love you." He said, then left. I turned to see his jeep speeding away. Silent tears fell down my cheeks as I walked into my house, unsure of why lied ahead, but positive it would be awful.

This chapter was hard to write.😁 comment what you think. The picture on top was an AU I found I thought it was so cute so I had to work it into my story. The part with the tape was already a scene, but I changed it up. Thanks for reading!

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