Chapter 3

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(Stiles POV)
"Soooo" I said wiggling my eyebrows. " how's your lady?" Scott laughed. "Kira's great. I'm so happy with her." He got a dreamy look in his eyes. " Thats great man." I smiled. " How's Malia?" My smile faded. " I don't know... it's just, we're so different. She's all fierce and wild. I'm more sarcastic and goofy. And she's never even heard of Star Wars." Scott looked confused. " You don't seem to really like her anymore. " "Well that's the thing" I said. " I'm not sure I ever liked her in the first place. Maybe I just wanted a girlfriend so bad, I went with the first girl to kiss me. " I sighed again. " Enough about me, I heard Lydia and Kira were having a girls night. Wanna prank call them?" Scott smiled. " Sure"." He dialed Kira's number.
(Lydia POV)
" Hold that thought!" Kira claimed as her phone buzzed. " It's Scott" a dreamy smile came over her face. I smiled. Seeing Kira happy was so great. " Scott?" She bit back a smile. "Hey fox" I heard through the phone. I hand to laugh, considering Kira literally was a fox. "Whatcha up to?" " Well and Lydia were in the middle of something important. Like, very important. Can I call you back later?" She bit her lip. " Yeah sure. I'm just chilling here with Stiles. " My heart fluttered at the sound of his name, bringing me back to the reality that I would soon have to tell my deepest secret. Or at least, my second deepest. " Bye Wolfie" Kira said with s smile, and pressed a random button on her phone. " Ugh curse my flip phone! Why can't there be a clear way on how to hang up." She sighed and tossed it into the bed. " Okay" she grinned. " Back to why Stydia isn't happening." I got butterflies in my stomach. " Here goes nothing" I thought.
(Stiles POV)
" Hey are you sure you hung up?" I looked at Scott's phones. " Oh no it's just in mute. I'll just turn it-" He suddenly got a devious grin. "Wanna listen to their conversation?" I widened my eyes. " What if they hear us?" " They can't on mute. But we can hear them. Come on Stiles! They said they were talking about something important! Maybe it's us!" I wasn't sure what to do. I thought about what Scott said. Maybe he's right. They could be talking about us. I hadn't really talked to Lydia since I started dating Malia. I wonder if she misses me. " Ok" I said. "Let's do it."

That's chapter 3! I hope you guys are enjoying it. I'll try to post chapter 4 in a bit. Comment what you think so far!

Slightly Broken~ A stydia storyWhere stories live. Discover now