Chapter 9

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(Lydia POV)
I woke up in a hospital bed. My head felt like metal. Everything was blurry for a moment. "Hey kiddo" came a voice. It was Mr. Stilinski. I managed a groggy smile. "Hi there." He smiled. "Stiles is waiting for you at your home. The doctors said you're free to go once you're ready. " I realized I really wanted to leave. "I'll be ready in 10 minutes." I said. "No rush. When you're done I'll drive you home." I felt something I hadn't felt since in the longest time: safety. I hurried to get dressed and met Mr. Stilinski in the waiting room. "Ready?" he asked. I grinned. "Ready."
My head was still groggy on the way home. I decided to shut my eyes. Memories of what happened came flooding back. My eyes flew open and I looked down at my wrists. They were all bandaged. I sighed and looked out the window, now really recognizing where we were going. "Hey, where are we?" Mr. Stilinski smiled. "You'll see." Soon we pulled into a driveway. "This is Larissa's house." I stated, very confused. Larissa was my singing coach, and closest friend. She was like a best friend, older sister, and mother all in one to me. "I know. " I was so confused, and Mr. Stilinski must have noticed. "Just come on out and you'll understand." I walked out with him. Suddenly the door opened and Stiles, Miri, and Larissa came running out. "Lydia!" They said in unison. I ran into Stiles's arms without thinking. "Well hey there Lyds." He laughed. I looked up, still confused. "What's going on?" I asked while walking over to Larissa. "Well a little birdy told me that your father happens to be the worst man alive, so I'm taking you in. " Larissa stated. Miri nodded excitedly next to her. "Her house is amazing!" She smiled brightly. "You're taking us in?" I was shocked. " Oh my gosh Larissa thank you!" I said while pulling her into a hug. "Thank you so much!" She laughed and squeezed me back. "Well I could never leave my Arial alone on the streets. " Arial was her nickname for me. "And don't thank me, thank your gorgeous boy over there. It was all his idea." I looked over at Stiles. "You did this?" He blushed. "Yeah well I just figured-" I ran into his arms again and cut him off. We stayed there for awhile, enjoying each other's embrace. I reached up on my tiptoes and placed a kiss on his cheek. "Thank you" I whispered in his ear. We pulled away, still in an embrace. "It was nothing" he replied, still blushing from the kiss. "No Stiles, you gave me that greatest gift I could ever get. A family. One who loves me. " He smiled back at me. " I'm glad you're happy." I hugged him again. "So happy."
(Stiles POV)
Things were changing. Lydia and I were closer than ever. We spent almost moment we could together. I was never happier. Neither was she. She always got this certain grin on her face. A big, goofy grin that just screams happiness. I loved seeing it.
I spotted Lydia by her locker. I walked over to her quickly. "Hey there Arial." There it was again, that goofy grin. I absolutely loved it. She turned to me. "So if I'm Arial, does that make you my Eric?" I blushed. "Maybe." She smiled her trademark Lydia Martin smile. "I don't know, I think you remind me more if Max the dog. " She giggled. Suddenly Malia came over. "Hey Stiles. Remember me? Your girlfriend?" She put extra emphasis on "girlfriend", making Lydia face her locker again. " Uh yeah hey Malia." I wasn't really paying attention to her, but to Lydia. Milia sighed. "So what were you and redhead over here talking about? I saw you giggling up a storm." I saw Lydia bite her lip. "Actually she's strawberry blonde" I said once again without thinking. I noticed Lydia smile at that, but then quickly his her smile. "Nothing really." Lydia said, turning towards Malia. Malia seemed to sense her discomfort and suddenly pulled me into an unbreakable kiss. I kept my eyes open, completely shocked and watched as Lydia stiffened. I tried to pull away but Malia wouldn't let go. Lydia quickly slammed her locked and scurried away, trying to hide the sad look in her eye. As soon as she left, Malia pulled away. "What was that?!" I yelled. "What? I just kissed you. That's what people who are together do you know!" I sighed angrily. "Yeah but you didn't have to do that right in front of Lydia!" Malia's eyes glowed blue. "So what if I did? She never liked you back! I did! But I starting to regret it!" She stormed off. "Whoopsies" I though. I whipped my phone out and texted Lydia. "So sorry about that. Malia's a clingy one, but we just broke up. Can I make it up to you with pizza at my house tonight?" I texted. I waited for a reply.
(Lydia POV)
I wiped my tears and went into my classroom. "Calm down Lydia. You knew he didn't like you anymore. No reason to be upset." I felt a buzz in my pocket. It was a text from Stiles.
(Stiles POV)
I walked into the classroom in time to see Lydia open my text. A goofy smile appeared on her face. She looked up at me. "Will there be cookies?" she asked with fake seriousness. "I can arrange that" I replied. "Then I'll see you there Stilinski." I smiled.
"See you there Martin."

I feel like the stydia ship is about to sail! So anyway I made it where Lydia loves to sing and she's made really good friends with her singing coach, Larissa. Now Lydia and Miri live with Larissa, and Mr. Martin is in jail. Thanks so much for reading and please comment what you think!

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