Chapter 23

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(Lydia POV)
"I'm glad you're back Lyds" I smiled at my sister. We were sitting on my bed, having a well needed girls day. "I'm glad to be back" I said. She laughed. "So have you talked to Stiles?" I sighed. Ever since he kissed after I bolted out of his house, I wasn't sure how to act around him. Of course I still loved him, but I was still so confused. What if I hurt him? "No. Not yet" Miri sighed. "You seem upset. Let's go for a drive." I shrugged. "Where to?" I asked. "Who cares?"
"So um...can I ask you something?" I smiled. "You just did." She scoffed. "No something important. Really important. " my smile fell when I relived she's serious. "Of course. " Miri sighed. "At your funeral, stiles said you always fought your battles, and sometimes mine." I gulped. "What did he mean by that?" she asked. Our dad was in jail, sentenced for life. I could tell her about out deal now. " never abused you...because I didn't let him. We made a deal that he could do what he does, and I wouldn't tell anyone, as long as he didn't touch you" Miri was speechless. "You think I'm weak." She muttered. "What? Miri no! I just didn't want you to feel what I felt" She was angry now. "You think I'm weak! You think I couldn't handle getting hurt! You fought my battles all those years? What, was it to get yourself more attention?!" I couldn't believe it. I risked my life for her everyday with my dad. This is her reaction. She was glaring at me. "You think I'm weak" "keep your eyes in the road." "You think I'm weak!" "Keep your eyes in the road!" I screamed. Suddenly, we crashed. Everything went black.
I woke up on the concrete. My head felt heavy. I slowly stood up and looked around. I found Miri, her face smashed into the windshield. I screamed my banshee scream. I was covered in blood and cuts and dirt but I didn't care. Soon the police came. Sherif Stilinski came out of a car, Stiles tumbling out after him. Deputy Parrish came to talk to me. I kept my eyes on Stiles. He was looking around frantically. When he spotted me, utter relief filed his eyes. He ran up to me and wrapped his arms around me. I was stiff at first but then hugged her him back, not realizing till then how much I needed a hug. Parrish watched us with jealous eyes. We broke apart and he rubbed my back. "I'm so glad you're okay." I nodded, not really wanting to speak. They took Miri away in an ambulance, and I stayed to be questioned. "I'm here" stiles said. "I brought your favorite hoodie, (they took it off her body before burying her) some flats because I figured you'd be wearing heels and want to be comfortable, and a hair tie" he was so sweet. He began to gather my hair in a ponytail for me. It was a suckish ponytail, but I was so thankful for him. "Thank you so much Stiles." I hugged him. He blushed and hugged me back. "So um, I'm going to need to question you" Jordan cut in. I nodded. "What caused the crash?" he asked. "Well we were fighting-" "about what?" he cut in. "I uh told her about the deal I made with my dad, and she went nuts." I winced at the memory. He nodded. "You guys went off road, crashed into that fire hydrant. I glanced up to see a broken fire hydrant. "I'll drive you to the hospital." Stiles offered. I gave him m a weak smile. He was best at comforting me. We got into his car and were quiet for a minute. He reached out and put his warm hand on my shaking one. "Hey, she'll be okay." We arrived at the hospital soon. Derek was waiting outside Miri's room. He was close with us since I walked to his house after my plane crash. He had a heartbroken look on his face. He looked up and saw me. He shook his head. "No." I said. "No Derek no. If this
Is some kind of sick training exercise to get me angry to learn how to control my shift, then you better tell me! Just tell me!" I was sobbing hysterically. "No. I'm sorry." he said. I collapsed into his arms. I was shaking and crying. I already lost Allison, my sister, and now o list Miri, my actual sister. "What happened?" I gasped between sobs. "What happened." Stiles came to see what was wrong. "She died" Derek mouthed. "Oh Lydia come here" he said. I let go of Derek. He nodded and I walked over to Stiles, trying my hardest to stay strong. He put one hand on my shoulder and I just broke down. I sank to my knees and screamed. I screamed as loud as I could. Stiles couched down to comfort me. I gripped his short and crying into his chest. He carried me outside. We plopped on the ground outside his car. I sat in his arms. "You know, they last time you were in my arms like this, you died." He whispered. "But seeing you this upset is almost worse than you dying." I looked up at him. I knew I looked awful. Mascara streaked down my face. I was dirty from the crash. Dried up everywhere. Stiles handed me a wipe. I smiled and took it. He helped my completely clean off my face. When we finished, he stared at me. "What?" I asked. He smirked. God I loved that smirk. "Nothing. You just look really beautiful when you cry." I blushed. "You told me that once before. That seems so long ago. I was crying in my car, and you stopped to ask me what was wrong, and even when I tried to shut you out, you still told me I was beautiful. That was the sweetest thing ever." He scoffed. "Yeah and then I left and never came back." I laughed. "But still. You walked into my life, told me you were there for me, and proved it." He blushed. "Yeah. I guess I did." He intwined out hands and I played with his fingers. "You know, ever since you came back, I've been so worried." he said. "Why?" He sighed. "I just keep thinking, what if this isn't real? What if losing you drive me insane and now I'm just seeing you. And it scares me. Because what if, one day I go sane again? Then, I'll have to go through losing you all over again. And I couldn't-" I held a finger to his lips. "Don't worry. This is real. I'm real. I think. I don't know maybe I'm just in heaven." He smiled. "Well that would explain why you look like an angel." My breath caught in my throat. "I don't look like an angel" I whispered. "And I would know. After all I was one for two months." He leaned in a little. "Well you look like one to me." With that we kissed. I never realized how much I missed him.
(Stiles POV)
I kissed her like it was the last time I'd ever see her. And in this town, it very well could be. Reality stuck and I realized I was kissing my supposably dead girlfriend. It felt so good to be with her after grieving her lose. But then I remembered the last time she was upset, and how I took advantage of that and kissed her. She was upset now, and I needed get to know I wasn't talking advantage of her. I pulled away and looked at her. She looked confused. "I just wanted you to know I kissed you because I love you." She smiled. "I know you love me." I blushed. "Yeah but last time I comforted you-" She cut me off. " This isn't like last time. I realize now, that even if I don't want to, I'll always love you. You could do your worst but I'd still love you. Dead or alive, I missed you, missed us. And right now, I'm going through a lot. I'm explaining to people that I'm no longer dead, unlike Miri, I'm dealing with the fact that I have no more family, and I'm getting used to being alive again. It's a lot, and I need someone to be there for me, through it all. Someone I love. Someone like you. So let's forget all our stupid little fights, and the fact that I died, and just go back to being us, Stydia Martinski." Are wrapped her arms around my neck. "And I mean, you brought me back, don't you think it's time I take you back?" I frowned . "You know Lydia, you're usually pretty smart, but that idea is probably-" Her face fell and her arms slowly slid down. "The greatest thing you've ever said" I finished, smirking. Her eyes widened. "Stiles! You scared me. Don't do that. Do this instead" and she kissed me. We sat there for awhile, just kissing. Sweet little kisses, making up for lost time.

Miri's dead! I needed get death in order to write in STYDIA. It finally happened!! Thanks so much for reading! Comment and vote!

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