Chapter 31

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(Lydia POV)
I stared out the window. It was a snow day, and fresh white powder was still silently falling. I was in awe. Stiles came up behind me and leaned into me. I was too focused on the snow. "Have you ever seen anything so beautiful?" I asked. "Yes" he replied. I noticed he was watching me the whole time, as if unaware of the beauty outside. I scoffed. "I meant the snow." He smirked. "I know. But I meant you." I bit my lip. He always have me butterflies. I turned to face him. We were so close our noses touched. He wrapped his arms around my waist. "I have an idea." I told him. "oh yeah? And what would that be?" I smirked. "Lets go to Starbucks, and then cuddle on the couch here and watch movies all day." He smiled. "Sounds perfect."
Soon we were sitting at a table for two at Starbucks. I sipped me strawberry frappé and noticed the guys who served us wrote his number in the side of my cup. I glanced up at him and he winked. I looked back at Stiles who was eying me cautiously. "Looks like waiter boy is hitting on me" I said, showing Stiles what he wrote on my cup. Stiles looked at the number and then glared at the server. He glared at him for a long time. I couldn't help but find it adorable at how protective he was. As we were leaving, the server boy shot me a smile. "Don't even think about it, she's mine" Stiles said with clenched teeth.
(Stiles POV)
We were laying on my couch watching The Little Mermaid. Lydia seemed so intriguing by the beautiful redheaded princess on the screen. I was intrigued by the beautiful redheaded princess in my arms. "Stiles" Lydia said with out taking her eyes off the screen. "Yeah?" I replied with a smile. She turned to me. "You do realize the show is on the screen right?" I blushed. "I'd rather watch you." She snuggled into my neck. "I love you" she mumbled into my collarbone. "You couldn't possibly love me, as much as I love you." I sat up and stared at me with a challenging look. "Oh I think I can try" she smiled. Seeing this was becoming a game, I sat up and returned her stare. "Oh really? I'm so in love with you I'd abandon my jeep for you." She grinned. "Wow. That's pretty intense, and yet I'm so in love with you I'd die for you. And I have. So I think I win." I smirked and leaned into her. "I so love you more" I whispered. "Prove it." She whispered back. I smirked. "If you insist."

Sorry for the short chapter but I couldn't think of anything else to write besides the cute Starbucks scene. Thanks for reading!

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