Chapter 17

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(Lydia POV)
I had recurring nightmares about my failed suicide. It was always the same thing, I took the pills after finding out Stiles was with Malia. Only in my dreams, Stiles didn't save me. I was trapped in complete darkness until something grabbed me. Tonight, I had the dream again. I woke up screaming my head off. Stiles came rushing in. "Did you have the dream again?" I nodded. He crawled into bed next to me and hugged me close too him. "Don't worry, I'm here." I leaned into him, letting myself be comforted by his embrace. "Wait a minute Stiles, why are you here?" He looked at me confused. "I love you" he said. Then his eyes went black. I woke up for real and looked at my clock. It was 3:00. I went into Miri's room. "You awake?" I whispered. "No your high pitched screams knock me right out" she said sarcastically. I went over to her bed. She looked at me, eyes full of concern. I sat down and hugged her. "Please....please promise you'll never try to do that again. If I lost you-" I shushed her. "Don't worry. I'll never leave you." She cried silently. I rocked her back and fourth until she fell asleep.
(Stiles POV)
My head reeled as I walked into school. I spotted Lydia by her locker and walked over to her. "Hey Lyds" I said awkwardly. I didn't know how she was going to act around me. She turned and looked me in the eye. I noticed tears threatened to leave her eyes. She was trying to look strong. "Stiles, we can't act like nothing happened. But this isn't a great place to talk about it. Can you meet me at my house after school?" I couldn't believe it. She was reaching out to me! Maybe this was our second chance to be together. "Yeah of course Lyds." She smiled a weak smile. "See you then?" I nodded. "See you then."
(Lydia POV)
I sat on my couch impatiently. My stomach had millions of butterflies. I made sure no one was home for my conversation with Stiles. The doorbell rang and I gulped. I was so nervous. I opened the door and lead him to the couch. We sat down. He looked at my with such sorrowful eyes, I immediately broke down crying. He pulled my legs onto his lap and held me close. "Hey it's okay." He continued to try to calm me down. I wrapped my arms around his neck, realizing how much I missed him. "I'm so sorry and confused and everything is just a mess!" I sobbed. He held me closer. "It's alright Lydia. I messed us up. But we're going to be alright." He was crying now to. "How do you know?" I said. "I just do." He pulled away a little and looked at me. I looked deep in his eyes. Suddenly, he was kissing me. I froze. "Stiles-" I tried to speak but he shushed me. I tried to push him away but he was stronger than me. He pinned my to the armrest. "What are you doing?" He didn't answer. All my attempts to break the kiss failed. I struggled under him. I suddenly got the strength and pushed him off of me, but he was still hovering above me. I slapped him, tears in my eyes. He suddenly realized what he was doing. He sat back. "Oh my god I'm so sorry." I couldn't speak. I felt violated. This boy had broken my heart and took advantage of me when I was weak. I tried not to cry but I couldn't. Tears spilled over my eyes. "I can't believe I just did that." He looked horrified. I finally found the strength to speak. "Please go." He looked at me with utter sorrow. "Lydia please I didn't mean to-" I held up my hand. "I can't really look at you right now. Please go. Just go!" I pointed at the door and turned away. I was ashamed and embarrassed. He got up and left after giving me a longing look. I crept upstairs and sat on my bed. I was in a zombie like trance for hour. I heard a knock at the door a little while later. Miri opened it. "Hey is Lydia here?" said a voice. It was Stiles. "No she's not here." Miri said flatly. She had walked in and saw what happened between me and Stile without me noticing. "Not here or won't see me?" Stiles asked. "Look, I saw what you did. Even if she was here, I wouldn't let you see her. You think since you saved her life you can just take advantage of her? She's broken because of you!" That was my Miri. Sticking up for me when I needed her most. I can't believe I almost left her. I silently thanked God for my amazing sister. "If she's here, or when she gets back, please tell her I'm extremely sorry." I could here the pain in his voice. I knew he was sorry. He just missed me. And I missed him. Like crazy. The worst part about a heartbreak, is when you know the absolute only person that could make you feel better, is the one who broke your heart. I heard the door close and Miri appeared at my door. "Um Stiles came by and-" I cut her off. "Yeah, I uh, I heard. " she sighed. "You okay?" I bit back tears. "Not in the slightest." I said with a shaky voice. Miri came over and hugged me. "Lydia I swear, It took all my willpower not to jack him up." I laughed at that. "Thanks Mir, I knew u could count on you." She smiled. "Hey don't worry. It gets better. I know you. You're Lydia Martin! And Lydia Martim does not get upset over some boy. She makes them get upset for losing her." I sighed. "He is upset. Which makes it worse since I can't stand to see him sad. " Miri hugged me closer. "It gets better" she whispered. "I promise." I looked up at her. "How'd you get so smart for a 14 year old?" I teased. She smiled. "Lots of practice."

Hope you guys like this. I really love the friendship between Lydia and Miri. Comment what you think!!!

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